Broadway St Somerville Naked Intersection

Anyone know what the status is of the shared space at Magoun Square? Somerville by Design was supposed to release plans a while ago, but I see nothing?

I am afraid this may be years, if not more than a decade, away. The fellow who mocked up these designs, Jeff Speck, was brought in as the vision guy--not a city planner. The actual plans would be built in conjunction with the T stops at each of the locations Speck worked on (Gilman Sq, Magoun, Lowell St, Ball Sq, and Powderhouse)--or perhaps drafted into actual city plans that would get built in the years following T stops opening.

Even worse for the prospects of Magoun being shortlisted is that it just went through a street rehab. Speck acknowledged this in his presentations and said something to the effect of "In ten or twenty years when you're ready to do this square again, this proposal is what I recommend." Not that he has any say on when squares get done, but he didn't expect it would be a Somerville priority.
Folks following Somerville changes should note that the city is doing this kind of vision process for each neighborhood. Davis and East Somerville just happened a few days ago. Winter Hill has gone through it, as has Union, Beacon Street, McGrath, and each of the T stops. The only one that will likely see shovels in the ground in the next three years in Union Square's street redesign.
Not that this isn't a fine thread, but there's also a Somerville Developments thread in New Dev.

On the topic at hand I would agree with KJ, these visions aren't actually planned out, appropriated, or scheduled yet. Union's restructuring is probably going to happen first because it will be getting the T sooner than the other squares.
kj- you have a link to those plans? I'd be interested in checking them out.
