Bubye Atlantic Cities


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
So The Atlantic Cities has rebranded as CityLab.

Silly name aside, I'm not so much a fan of the style of the site (a bit too boston.com for my taste), but the content is awesome. I like that its differentiated further from The Atlantic as well, as before they tended to share a lot of content.


.... I thought I was posting this in the open thread.
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The old name was pretty awkward. I hope the content improves. Once in a while they had something worth reading, usually when a guest writer appeared.
I preferred the way the site looked before wayyyy better. The name doesn't bother me much. I would prefer to see a better name, though, and definitely a less shitty site.
Ridiculously confusing new design. Just give me a column of stories so I can pick and choose which ones to read.
I'm glad I subscribe to CityLab on Feedly instead of having to deal with this site.
