Bye Bye T Ts

This sucks, but I pessimistically thought this was going to be an article about how there would be no more trackless trolleys in a cost saving effort. I imagined some Belmont group arguing that restringing the wires after Trapelo's reconstruction would be too costly and the MBTA could save money by bus-tituting the existing TT routes.

I'm very happy I was wrong, but still sad to see T.T.'s go.
They still seem to want to keep the place open. Maybe they'll find a cheaper location in JP or Dot?
Man this sucks, and this morning I was just thinking about the many venues that I've played, or know about that have closed. This is my list:

Bullfinch Yacht Club- was only around for a few years, but a solid place

All Asia- A musical "freshman" to playing out, would be like sweet we got a gig, a "sophomore" was too cool, but in actuality the place was a staple and awesome!

Harpers Ferry- Still exists just as Brighton Music Hall, but not the same name but still active and bringing in good shows.

Goodtimes Emporium- A big shity venue ideal for metal heads who just wanted loud, but was pretty large and a part of Slumerville, not Somervile.

Milky Way- in JP but I believe it shut down, it was a solid place

T T the Bears- This with the Middle East made Central Sq known in the music world. So many cool shows played there.

And on an additional supporting note
HiFi pizzia is gone, that was part of Central Sq as well and sad to hear it went.
And oh yea WBCN and WFNX
Middle East owners are gettin' real greedy. How much business do they get in the restaurant when there's a show next door? How much does that float them the nights TT's has a show but Middle East doesn't?

Dick move.

Of course, I'm biased because I used to live 2 blocks down on Watson St. and practically made that street corner my home-away-from-nearby-home in my functional alcoholic earliest-20's. Back when Man-Ray was still a fixture the next block over. Can't even recall how many no-name bands I've taken in at TT's on a whim because I was bored, tix prices were cheap for the no-name's, and I could stagger home even at championship-level inebriation in 2 minutes flat.
I thought the ME owners said they were going to keep operating T.T.'s?
