Capitalism vs Not Capitalism

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Re: The Huntington | 252, 258, and 264 Huntington Avenue

Then we should be kicking all non-Native Americans out of the Americas then huh? Or is this being an illegal immigrants is okay a white privilege only type of thing? Tell me then, bosdevelopment, when's your next permanent boat ride out of the Americas?

my last comment went over your head. The point is simple: you defend natives as victims of white invaders.. who were somehow here "illegally" or "immorally." Don't you see the problem with that? Please don't go into some long winded defense. Just think about it in your head.

More generally, your ancestors died at the hands of the collectivist ideology you espouse and the talking points you parrot. You are mean and hierarchical, telling me i'm incompetent because i'm white and poor and I should leave, yet display a morality towards victims of social injustice (non whites). In short, you haven't thought things out.
Re: The Huntington | 252, 258, and 264 Huntington Avenue

my last comment went over your head. The point is simple: you defend natives as victims of white invaders.. who were somehow here "illegally" or "immorally." Don't you see the problem with that? Please don't go into some long winded defense. Just think about it in your head.

More generally, your ancestors died at the hands of the collectivist ideology you espouse and the talking points you parrot. You are mean and hierarchical, telling me i'm incompetent because i'm white and poor and I should leave, yet display a morality towards victims of social injustice (non whites). In short, you haven't thought things out.

No, you missed the point of my comment. You tried comparing/tying white colonists as though they are the same as the illegal immigrants today. They are not. The illegal immigrants today first of all are not coming to the US to commit genocide to the Americans that currently live here today. In fact, many of the illegal immigrants from Central America are descendants of Natives here and as such have more of a claim to this land than you and your ancestors do.

But let's play your little game. You making that comparison, but not saying that you yourself and your ancestors are thus "illegal" infers that you being white should not be subjected to the same rules that applies to people of color. So you played yourself by suggesting being white should afford you no scrutiny about the fact that your ancestors arrived to the Americas as illegal immigrants, or given a "legal" status by the country's "illegal" immigrants who committed a genocide on the natives here.

And no, I did not espouse any collectivism ideology, nor did my ancestors die at the ideology I am espousing. My argument here is that immigrants, legal or illegal, are used as scapegoats by the xenophobic nationalists in the US. In fact, it's your ancestors' and your ideology that nearly stymied my ancestors' existence in the US, first by refusing to give Chinese Americans citizenship prior to the United States v. Wong Kim Ark ruling and then the implementation of the Chinese Exclusion Act, not to mention Japanese Internment that not only impacted Japanese American, but Chinese Americans who were swept up in this because Americans wouldn't bother to try to tell the difference. All because we were seen as the Yellow Peril, the xenophobic reaction that is no different to how you bigots see Latin American immigrants today. Despite all of this, never once did my ancestors tried to block poor whites from achieving success in America, yet we and many others people of color were blamed for taking "YOUR" jobs away. You are trying so hard to blame immigrants and POC for the loss of employment as well as other problems despite the fact there was never any legislation in the history of the US pushed and enacted by non whites to limit the ability of whites to get jobs, apply for citizenship, or even to vote and have a voice in the US. And the only time a group of white people in the US are discriminated against, for exampled, the Irish, the German, and the Jewish people when they began immigrating in droves to the US, were by xenophobic white nationalists who also feared that they would take their jobs. So get your head out of your ass.
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KentXie, well spoken. Totally agree.
Re: The Huntington | 252, 258, and 264 Huntington Avenue

No, you missed the point of my comment. You tried comparing/tying white colonists as though they are the same as the illegal immigrants today. They are not. The illegal immigrants today first of all are not coming to the US to commit genocide to the Americans that currently live here today. In fact, many of the illegal immigrants from Central America are descendants of Natives here and as such have more of a claim to this land than you and your ancestors do.

But let's play your little game. You making that comparison, but not saying that you yourself and your ancestors are thus "illegal" infers that you being white should not be subjected to the same rules that applies to people of color. So you played yourself by suggesting being white should afford you no scrutiny about the fact that your ancestors arrived to the Americas as illegal immigrants, or given a "legal" status by the country's "illegal" immigrants who committed a genocide on the natives here.

And no, I did not espouse any collectivism ideology, nor did my ancestors die at the ideology I am espousing. My argument here is that immigrants, legal or illegal, are used as scapegoats by the xenophobic nationalists in the US. In fact, it's your ancestors' and your ideology that nearly stymied my ancestors' existence in the US, first by refusing to give Chinese Americans citizenship prior to the United States v. Wong Kim Ark ruling and then the implementation of the Chinese Exclusion Act, not to mention Japanese Internment that not only impacted Japanese American, but Chinese Americans who were swept up in this because Americans wouldn't bother to try to tell the difference. All because we were seen as the Yellow Peril, the xenophobic reaction that is no different to how you bigots see Latin American immigrants today. Despite all of this, never once did my ancestors tried to block poor whites from achieving success in America, yet we and many others people of color were blamed for taking "YOUR" jobs away. You are trying so hard to blame immigrants and POC for the loss of employment as well as other problems despite the fact there was never any legislation in the history of the US pushed and enacted by non whites to limit the ability of whites to get jobs, apply for citizenship, or even to vote and have a voice in the US. And the only time a group of white people in the US are discriminated against, for exampled, the Irish, the German, and the Jewish people when they began immigrating in droves to the US, were by xenophobic white nationalists who also feared that they would take their jobs. So get your head out of your ass.

Wow that took you a while, you even took the time to cite [irrelevant] caselaw. Your framing of the argument into "POC" vs. whites / oppressed vs. oppressor demonstrates your thorough indoctrination and reveals a profound racism. Your word salad espouses the liberal party line yet you operate under the delusion that you are somehow speaking truth to power. There's no convincing a moralizer so I won't try to.
Re: The Huntington | 252, 258, and 264 Huntington Avenue

Wow that took you a while, you even took the time to cite [irrelevant] caselaw. Your framing of the argument into "POC" vs. whites / oppressed vs. oppressor demonstrates your thorough indoctrination and reveals a profound racism. Your word salad espouses the liberal party line yet you operate under the delusion that you are somehow speaking truth to power. There's no convincing a moralizer so I won't try to.

My framing of the argument into "POC" vs whites? I'm sorry but I believe you're giving way to much credit to the liberal as it was the Republicans and conservatives owned that since they started the whole White Nationalist Americans vs immigrants thing and now you're scared because we're finally standing up to their bullshit. But sure it's definitely us liberals that did it. Besides, we're not the ones scapegoating white people for taking our jobs, or raping our people, or bringing drugs into the neighborhood. But guess which party is out there scapegoating minorities for that? Oh right, the rightwing Republicans.

And bosdevelopment, who are you trying to kid. It's not that you can't convince me because I am, whatever a "moralizer" is, it's because you have nothing backing up your racist views. And yes, it took me a while to respond, because you know, I have a fucking job.
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Btw, this is a visual representation of how stupid your argument is.
Re: The Huntington | 252, 258, and 264 Huntington Avenue

Wow that took you a while, you even took the time to cite [irrelevant] caselaw. Your framing of the argument into "POC" vs. whites / oppressed vs. oppressor demonstrates your thorough indoctrination and reveals a profound racism. Your word salad espouses the liberal party line yet you operate under the delusion that you are somehow speaking truth to power. There's no convincing a moralizer so I won't try to.

I think you should probably take your own advice here, and just think about it in your head for a minute, as I think KentXie's comments are going well over your head.
Re: The Huntington | 252, 258, and 264 Huntington Avenue

My framing of the argument into "POC" vs whites? I'm sorry but I believe you're giving way to much credit to the liberal as it was the Republicans and conservatives owned that since they started the whole White Nationalist Americans vs immigrants thing and now you're scared because we're finally standing up to their bullshit. But sure it's definitely us liberals that did it. Besides, we're not the ones scapegoating white people for taking our jobs, or raping our people, or bringing drugs into the neighborhood. But guess which party is out there scapegoating minorities for that? Oh right, the rightwing Republicans.

And bosdevelopment, who are you trying to kid. It's not that you can't convince me because I am, whatever a "moralizer" is, it's because you have nothing backing up your racist views. And yes, it took me a while to respond, because you know, I have a fucking job.

Tribalist, childish rambling. Congratulations on having a "fucking job." You express outrage like a low iq women's studies major.
Re: The Huntington | 252, 258, and 264 Huntington Avenue

I think you should probably take your own advice here, and just think about it in your head for a minute, as I think KentXie's comments are going well over your head.

Oh my god you're right. I thought about it. Thanks.
Just curious. What is a white Nationalist? What do you call the Italians, Irish, Greek immigrants when they came off the boats and into Boston getting spit on. Are they considered White Nationalists now since they built a solid blue collared surrounding areas for their families?
Just curious. What is a white Nationalist? What do you call the Italians, Irish, Greek immigrants when they came off the boats and into Boston getting spit on. Are they considered White Nationalists now since they built a solid blue collared surrounding areas for their families?

There's no point in reasoning with them, they are firmly controlled by their ideology and comfortable as ever in a thriving economy. There's no worse look than an asian feigning racial outrage. To think about what his ancestors sacrificed so that he could be where he is, only for him to adopt the victimhood, pc, neoliberal, postmodernist,deconstructionist etc. mindset is stomach turning.
So would you consider the Italian, Irish, Jewish and Greek Immigrants that came over to our country White Nationalists?

The only thing that matters in America is if your can produce the GREEN. It doesn't matter what race you are. That's really not oppression if you have that type of skill and nobody will stop you unless you are generating the green considering if its in illegal actions.
The corporations run America whoever those shareholders are white, black, blue, red, green, Native America that who influence the laws. Yes. The Govt is corrupt but what Govt isn't throughout the world? Mexico

Massachusetts and California are in mega bubbles vs the rest of the states due to the concentration of Corporate Wealth focused in Silicon Valley and Cambridge Mass.

For the people on this board that just attack people without realizing everybody has a different view of the world based on their surrounding environment and family situation --- should be considered a feeble-minded or possibly brain washed to not be open minded to other people's points of view in such a complex world.
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There's no point in reasoning with them, they are firmly controlled by their ideology and comfortable as ever in a thriving economy. There's no worse look than an asian feigning racial outrage. To think about what his ancestors sacrificed so that he could be where he is, only for him to adopt the victimhood, pc, neoliberal, postmodernist,deconstructionist etc. mindset is stomach turning.

That is some vile, border line racist shite you are spewing here. Again, I suggest you firmly look at yourself in the mirror - really didn't think I would see people belittling another's experiences based on their race and ancestor on ArchBoston. Are you going to tell him next that because he is Asian he isn't a minority? Going to ask him some math problems? How do you know anything about what his ancestors did or did not do?

So would you consider the Italian, Irish, Jewish and Greek Immigrants that came over to our country White Nationalists?

If they start saying white nationalist shite, then, well, yes. What a moronic question.

Can we get this thread locked? Its going down a pretty bad route.
Re: Open Thread

If they start saying white nationalist shite, then, well, yes. What a moronic question.

Can we get this thread locked? Its going down a pretty bad route.

I'm curious what would you consider saying white nationalist shite to be a considered a white nationalist?

So the people running the site can just call you a moron then you lock the thread without being able to responsed.

What is considered white national shite? Please enlighten me Bakgwailo?
Re: Open Thread

I'm curious what would you consider saying white nationalist shite to be a considered a white nationalist?

So the people running the site can just call you a moron then you lock the thread without being able to responsed.

What is considered white national shite? Please enlighten me Bakgwailo?

A white nationalist is any person of Caucasian descent who feels that immigrants, minorities, and other marginalize people are a threat to their tradition, culture, and way of life, typically without any facts or proof backing it up, and moves to eliminate these threats, most commonly via deportation.

That being said, being white doesn't make you a white nationalist. Being Greek or Jewish or whatever doesn't make you a white nationalist, no matter how long you or your ancestors lived in the US, as long as you don't try to scapegoat a group of people or try to push them out of the country.

An example of what a white nationalist would say is "These Black or Chinese people are stealing our women, our jobs, and our traditions. They are the reason why our country has fallen on hard times. We need to deport them or stop them from immigrating to our country."
Re: Open Thread

A white nationalist is any person of Caucasian descent who feels that immigrants, minorities, and other marginalize people are a threat to their tradition, culture, and way of life, typically without any facts or proof backing it up, and moves to eliminate these threats, most commonly via deportation.

That being said, being white doesn't make you a white nationalist. Being Greek or Jewish or whatever doesn't make you a white nationalist, no matter how long you or your ancestors lived in the US, as long as you don't try to scapegoat a group of people or try to push them out of the country.

An example of what a white nationalist would say is "These Black or Chinese people are stealing our women, our jobs, and our traditions. They are the reason why our country has fallen on hard times. We need to deport them or stop them from immigrating to our country."

Seems like a very intelligent post.

I'm just curious what Black, Asian, Latino folks are called if they fall into the category if the circumstances are reversed in their own country?
"immigrants, minorities, and other marginalize people are a threat to their tradition, culture, and way of life, typically without any facts or proof backing it up, and moves to eliminate these threats, most commonly via deportation in their country?"
Would they also be called White Nationalists?

The reality is Kentxie is you have racist individuals --- Who are very uneducated.

Grouping individuals by race is very dangerous and then calling them white nationalist because now your only creating groups by race which causes hatred. Thats how innocent people get killed by grouping hate groups because of race.
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