This project is finally entering its last few months of major construction. There is still work to be done on the new northern plaza and head house, the new upper busway is not yet operational (though the roof has been raised), and the station-side plaza has not *quite* been returned to the public. But the expectation is that those parts of the central project area will be done by the end of 2018. The eastern and western ends have been done for a while. There will also be some spillover landscape plantings in the spring of 2019, mainly in the northern plaza I believe.
Anyone who isn't local or who hasn't lived with all this daily for years now may be interested in my photos of the project progress, offered here in reverse-chronological order (I walk through the project area two or three times a week trying to spot the changes, an obsession drawing to a close).
Casey Arborway construction on Flickr