CNET: A look inside the green, high-tech Genzyme Center

Wow, that is soooo cool. Where exactly is this located? Like what is the address? I never really noticed this building in Cambridge, I don't know how because it looks big and extremely noticeable.
From the corner of Third and Broadway, go a block or two north on Third and then a block east. Sorry, I don't remember the exact address, and some of the streets over there may be too new to show up on all maps.
This one gets all the press, but I'm still a greater fan of the Boston Genzyme building's architecture. It's a fantastic evocation of some Gilded Age industrial installation.
^^ I think I recall ablarc saying it's his least favorite building in all of Boston; I'd love to know why. I don't mind it so much myself.

I really love the Behnisch & Behnisch building. It's the sort of thing Alvar Aalto may have been doing if he were alive today -- both purposeful and humane. This article may be of interest.
Genzyme isn't the company that has the building right on the Harvard Business School parking lot is it? The brick, sort of modern, sort of traditional brickish gothic one?
czsz said:
This one gets all the press, but I'm still a greater fan of the Boston Genzyme building's architecture. It's a fantastic evocation of some Gilded Age industrial installation.

Are you talking about the post-modern Gothic building off Western Ave or does Genzyme have another building in Boston?
Indeed, the postmodern one:

I noticed a lot of work going on just outside...anyone have any idea what's going on?
