Cold Storage Facility Redev | 40 West Commercial Street | Portland

Of all places (WARNING: REALLY SUCKY ANNOYING WEBSITE), has a story complaining about the "monstrosity" that is the cold storage facility....

If you've been wondering what exactly what building is going to be, the answer won't excite you. It's going to be a monstrosity of a warehouse. Eimskip needs extra space for supplies being shipped over in containers. The warehouse will allow Eimskip to accept more deliveries and more efficiently store what has already been delivered. As for the Portland waterfront, the view suffers yet again. What was once a gorgeous drive into the heart of the Old Port, now feels more like a trip through a busy industrial park before hitting commercial pay dirt.
I guess I've missed the once gorgeous drive into the heart of the Old Port and the stunning views of the Million Dollar Bridge (demolished in the 90's), the South Portland coastline (fuel storage tanks) as well as the bristling blue (greenish) waters of the ocean (river) in Portland!
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What was once a gorgeous drive into the heart of the Old Port, now feels more like a trip through a busy industrial park before hitting commercial pay dirt.
Well Joey - the trivia host, wedding dj and part-time realtor - needed to turn in a story about something.
