Columbus Center: RIP | Back Bay

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Re: Columbus Center

Mr Ned and me and I dont know about his church so how can I know about his altar?. But still I agree about the RIGHTS, even if I don't know old,old,old tunes. But I ask it seems like this ashaky deal, and why do we keep kissing lipstick on to this pig corpse? Better to think up the best foot forward on agreed problems so that this can move a head when the JOBS come back. That is my too sense on it.
Re: Columbus Center

^^^ I actually know this guy! (The sixties and seventies were tougher on some than others.)
Re: Columbus Center

the 'sylvan woods'?

the woody woods?

Re: Columbus Center

You know him? Is he as much of a loon as he seems in the article? Has Toby the hound ever been persecuted by this nutjob?

This article reminds us that there are zealots of all stripes in all places for all sorts of absurd causes.
Re: Columbus Center

Fox should do a reality show with Rick Dyer and Michael Vick.
Re: Columbus Center

I hate rude dog owners. I support the people against the dogs off leashes, totally. Odd, I had a dream last night, in fact, that an unleashed dog jumped up on me. I was scared to death.

Later, I had a dream that I was eating a huge marshmallow. When I woke up, my pillow was gone.
Re: Columbus Center

Not that this has anything to do with Columbus Center, but I do feel that Michael Vick has paid his debt to society and should be allowed to return to the NFL, under the stipulation that he take the field for every game without cleats, pads, or a helmet.
Re: Columbus Center

[size=+2]Arthur Winn retires[/size]

Managing Principal Arthur Winn recently retired, and handed over day-to-day management of Winn Companies to his son, Gilbert Winn._ Gilbert reconfirmed what his father disclosed for the first time during a 29 March 2009 Boston Globe interview:_ that Winn is now only a minority investor in the proposed Columbus Center (?Turnpike Authority hesitant about proposals for public food market?, Boston Globe, 6 August 2009).
Re: Columbus Center

Turnpke Authority to clean up stalled project's site
August 17, 2009 04:47 PM

The Massachusetts Turnpike Authority will pay to undo construction work by Columbus Center?s developers, who have been unable to proceed with the project since halting work due to financial problems in spring 2008.

Jeffrey Mullan, the authority?s executive director, said it will remove fencing, level the work site, and plant grass along Cortes Street, where neighbors have complained about debris, vagrants, and other problems for more than a year.

Mullan said the authority will seek reimbursement from the development team, which includes MacFarlane Partners, the real estate investment arm of the California state pension fund, and Boston-based WinnCompanies. The Beal Cos. are serving as a consultant.

A spokeswoman for the developers had no comment.

The state did not secure a performance bond it could use to force the companies to repair the site in case of financial problems or other unforeseen circumstances, officials said.

The work to restore about one acre along Cortes Street will cost about $100,000, but the bill could grow because work is also needed to repair the Arlington Street on ramp to the turnpike. Lighting and sidewalks in the area must also be repaired.

Mullan said the development team has indicated it would be willing to pay for that work, estimated to cost more than $500,000, but the state has not received a commitment.

??We?re hopeful the developer will come forward,?? Mullan said. ??If not, that?s more work we have to do.??

If the developer does not agree to pay, Mullan said, the state will pursue other remedies. He declined to elaborate. But the matter would probably become part of any negotiations about letting the stalled project move forward.
Re: Columbus Center


I wish the reporter in DFX's post had asked "why is there no performance bond?" It is so standard, and as a public agency you would think that after years of dealing with 30:39M and 149 the idea would have crossed someone's mind (or is the TPA exempt from the public bidding laws?? gulp!)
Re: Columbus Center

Well, I'm sure the neighbors are pleased that, instead of the promised high-end restaurant / deli in 285 Columbus, they now have a CVS. Watch your property values soar!
Re: Columbus Center

[size=+2]Pike will pay to clean up building site[/size]

[size=+1]Columbus Center lot to be restored[/size]

By Globe Staff ? Casey Ross ? August 18, 2009


Residents of Cortes Street have complained about unsightly fencing, vagrants, and construction debris. (George Rizer/ Globe Staff/ File 2008)

The Massachusetts Turnpike Authority will use its own money to clean up a construction site at the stalled Columbus Center development in Boston, where work stopped in spring 2008 when the builders ran into financial problems.

Jeffrey Mullan, executive director of the Turnpike Authority, said the agency will spend $100,000 to clean up property along Cortes Street, where neighbors have complained about unsightly fencing, vagrants, and construction debris.

Mullan said the agency will seek to be repaid for the work from Columbus Center?s development team, which includes the real estate investment arm of the California state pension fund and Boston-based WinnCompanies.

A second cleanup, of the turnpike?s Arlington Street onramp, could cost much more. That work, which would include replacing lighting and a sidewalk, is estimated to cost more than $500,000. The developers have indicated they will pay for that work, but the state has not received a final commitment. ?We?re going to continue to monitor this, and we?re hopeful the developer will come forward,?? Mullan said. ?If not, that?s more work we have to do.??

He said the turnpike has been unable to force the developers to pay for the work because it failed to secure a performance bond or other guarantee that would compel them to do so. Mullan said the turnpike can pursue other remedies to recover the money, but he would not elaborate on them yesterday.

A spokeswoman for Columbus Center said the project?s principals could not be reached for comment yesterday.

Officials said the cleanup is an acknowledgement that construction of Columbus Center will not resume anytime soon. Still, negotiations about the project?s future are ongoing, and the director of the Boston Redevelopment Authority said yesterday the development team is trying to come up with a new construction schedule, one that would divide the project into phases, to make it more affordable to build.

?They?re working on a revised plan for their development,?? BRA director John Palmieri said yesterday. ?They?re planning to do the work one phase at a time.??

Palmieri added that Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino has indicated a willingness to work with the Winn team on a new timetable.

Any changes to the phasing of the condominium, hotel, and retail project would require a new round of public hearings as well as approval from the BRA. It remains unclear whether or when that process would begin, because the developers have not indicated they are prepared to resume construction.

Work on the project was halted in April 2008 after the developers failed to secure loans needed to continue paying for construction. At that point, the builders had leveled the site and begun to build part of a platform over the turnpike. The site was then left covered with debris and equipment.

Several months later, the Columbus Center team hired the Beal Cos., developer of the nearby Clarendon condominium building, to review the project?s finances and devise a plan to move forward.

Meanwhile, Menino and turnpike officials have repeatedly pressured the developers to restore the site along Cortes Street because of the neighborhood complaints about its condition.

In addition to removing a construction fence and debris, the Cortes work will include leveling the site and planting grass. A spokesman for the turnpike said the authority does not plan in the near term to replace more than two dozen trees that were removed from the property.
Re: Columbus Center

If you guys were betting, what odds would you give this project to eventually get built? And if you feel it will be built, what time frame are we looking at?
Re: Columbus Center

If you guys were betting, what odds would you give this project to eventually get built? And if you feel it will be built, what time frame are we looking at?

I'd say in the year 2800 a 15 story pre-cast building will be erected, despite fierce competition led by Ned Flaherty XXXIII.
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