Dana-Farber Cancer Center | 1 Joslin Place | Longwood

If these buildings didn't overhang the sidewalk, they might not end up being so imposing. The one next to this at Longwood Ave causes me so much anxiety being near it. Not that it's gonna fall over or anything, bit it just gives me "bursting at the seems" energy.
Payette is pretty good at bringing high quality designs. Really hoping they and Morris Adjmi get some more commissions in Boston and dislodge Elkus Manfredi's death grip on so much of the region (even if they've stepped it up a bit recently).
Payette did the recent Klarmon Building at BIDMC and I suspect this will be more of the same. Which is good hospital design. Their lab stuff at NU is really outstanding but I don't think hospitals lend themselves to the exuberant architecture budget.
