1:00pm Saturday...walking from BU to Central. Traffic's typically near-nonexistent for a mid-COVID weekend. I pause underneath the Mem Drive overpass to inspect MassHighway's spring re-striping job of the anarchy rotary. They've got the tiny-dash lane markers painted all the way thru from each yield into the center of the rotary, marked directional arrows every 20 ft. of pavement, full-striped shoulders, at fat diagonal-stripe buffer wherever space allows between right lane and bike lane to make that somewhat less a killzone.
I think, "Not bad" overall. But having witnessed enough anything-goes rush hours here where everyone invents their own lane and somebody inevitably gets themselves stuck at a 90-degree angle in the middle of it all trying to carve their own path...I'm still wondering if this will pass muster until it goes through the trials of some post-recovery rushes. Because behavior is so poorly conditioned here literalist striping for the brain-damaged may not be enough, and both shoulders + lane markers may need to be rumble-stripped to actually change habits.
But...I stop myself mid-critique, and remind that much credit is due here. The state took advantage of the light-traffic spring to make a dynamic instant adjustment and substantially close up a festering sore spot for abuse. Kudos all around.
Seconds later. . .
Hyundai v. Subaru...over the lane stripe coming off the Brookline St. yield. Each was trying to carve out its own slightly different make-believe center passing lane, despite the fact that at the time there was exactly one car going through the rotary to yield for. As I made my way over the crosswalk about 4 ft. behind them snickering behind my mask as they got out to exchange insurance in the middle of the blocked road, the only traffic whatsoever in the rotary is on Brookline St. immediately behind them in a fast-building jam that now goes back to the Waverley light. A 47 bus pulls up behind the mess...then as a couple cars inch by the idiots who are still standing on the centerline exchanging insurance it signals itself to the curb to make an unscheduled stop. 5 riders hop off on-request and start hoofing it over the bridge in nuts to this bullshit.
In conclusion: There was an