Portland is organized into neighborhoods that are generally recognized by residents, but have no legal or political significance. City signage does, in many cases, name various neighborhoods or intersections (which are often called corners). Some city neighborhoods have a local neighborhood association whose self-appointed responsibility is to liaise with the city government on issues affecting the neighborhood.
Several neighborhoods incorporate the name "Deering" in some way. This is a result of the 1899 merger of Portland with the neighboring City of Deering, which comprised the northern and eastern sections of the city prior to the merger. Deering High School is also so named as it was formerly the public high school for the City of Deering.
Deering Center is the neighborhood in which i grew up. It is located approximately 2 Miles away from downtown, and Two Miles from the Maine Mall. It is not all urban, but parts of it are. Tripple decker apartment buildings filled with immigrants mix with colonial style 4 bedroom houses inhabited by families with roots dating back centuries. Pretty vibrant mix al in all. I have highlighted some of the denser areas in the following few pictures. On just one street alone there are enough schools to educate an individual from pre-school through college and medical school. Its the only street in America of its kind.
Several neighborhoods incorporate the name "Deering" in some way. This is a result of the 1899 merger of Portland with the neighboring City of Deering, which comprised the northern and eastern sections of the city prior to the merger. Deering High School is also so named as it was formerly the public high school for the City of Deering.
Deering Center is the neighborhood in which i grew up. It is located approximately 2 Miles away from downtown, and Two Miles from the Maine Mall. It is not all urban, but parts of it are. Tripple decker apartment buildings filled with immigrants mix with colonial style 4 bedroom houses inhabited by families with roots dating back centuries. Pretty vibrant mix al in all. I have highlighted some of the denser areas in the following few pictures. On just one street alone there are enough schools to educate an individual from pre-school through college and medical school. Its the only street in America of its kind.