future skyline vid

...too boxy

I was expecting some renders of projects downtown but those were interesting, too!
Back Bay skyline idea #4: Replace the esplenade with new boxy low-rise boathouse luxury apartments.

I'm so thankful for the insightful journalism that brought me this well-researched report on napkin sketches done by people who clearly have never been to Boston!
Boston's a fail. Don't worry guys. When I become an architect, I'll make sure these "architects" will get booted out of this business because they clearly don't have a creative mind. Building on top of the existing tower by adding blurry squares? Crescent building that can barely be seen in the skyline? Since when were 100 ft boxes a part of the skyline. Fail fail fail. The serpentine is the best but like always will never get approval. My god and they say these four are the best. Makes me cringe.
That was terrible, but it would probably be interesting to do something similar on aB.
Ohhh that would be interesting. Why not? I was part of the skyscrapercity's superpolis for a couple of years.
I second the idea of a "archboston skyscraper design competition."
What would you say - Just for the Back Bay as in the BBJ report, or in any area/context?
Either that or design a building on already existing proposal.
