Government Center Garage Redevelopment Project IAG


Senior Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Please be advised that there will be a Government Center Garage Redevelopment Project Impact Advisory Group (“IAG”) Working Session Meeting on Monday, July 18, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM, at the Boston Redevelopment Authority, 9th Floor of City Hall, BRA Board Room (Please note that after 5:30PM, you can only enter/exit City Hall from Congress Street).

All members of the community and media are welcome to attend IAG Meetings. Thank you.
If I'm not working, I'll do my best to attend.

What exactly does this "project impact advisory group" do? Study environmental effects? Traffic effects? The impact on the spawning patterns of the elusive and endangered 3-eyed large headed land-salmon? All of the above?

I'll go to make sure it doesn't turn into a 3-ring NIMBY circus over parking, shadows, etc. ;P (Oh crap, yeah, shadows will probably come up....)
