Grafton State Hospital Redevelopment | Grafton


Active Member
Dec 7, 2014
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Mods, move if you feel it deserves its own thread or to somewhere else. Similar to how Westborough is currently redeveloping its former state hospital property, Grafton is now hoping to do the same with their much smaller parcel.

Parts of the building have been vacant for more than 50 years. Graftown Town Administrator Tim McInerney says they are looking for a commercial real estate development firm to transform almost nine acres into a transit-oriented village.
The former hospital site is down the road from the Grafton MBTA Commuter Rail station.

McInerney said, "We are out to bid now trying to find a qualified bidder to redevleop the parcel for [mix use]. We have a specific program we want them to comply with so we're trying to meet a double-bottom line. We have a housing shortage in Grafton and we want to provide complimentary use in that area. And getting the best price for that parcel is a goal, but not the only goal.

Town Hopes Bidder Comes Forward to Redevelop Former State Hospital

Parts of the property have become part of Tuft's Veterinary Medicine School and the Grafton Job Corps.
