AFL, thanks for the insight. I've got a few questions. The last time I dealt with BCC directly was over a decade ago. That project had strong Menino backing but was also partly in a flood zone. The BCC asserted, and my counsel grudgingly agreed, that they had no leeway to ignore a flood zone in a RDA. Menino support notwithstanding. Is this your understanding of the current state of BCC affairs regarding flood zones? I really doubt they can just skip over that but I do not claim to know this definitively.
Next, was that part of pit row the only thing in the flood zone? If yes, were there other options for the pit row? I assume making a change of that magnitude so late in the game would've been huge. Might have thrown the first race into next year for all I know. But in the long term, was that pit row truly not movable to another location?
Lastly, some media reports are suggesting, without attribution, that the race organizers could not provide evidence of financial ability to meet their obligations. Did you see anything along that line?
Thanks. If confidentiality prevents response, understood.
The way they have burned bridges on their way out the door smells of a smokescreen (mixed metaphor alert). But I'm guessing when I say that.