The community's reaction to the next iteration of the Charlesview plans may say much about how much they really want Harvard and Allston to be stitched together.
Many in the community will be happy only with a housing and population density as it is now,
As for Barry's Corner, some Allstonites object to Harvard placing its indoor athletic venues on the NW corner. I think Harvard's rationale is doing that will bring some students and fans to the area after dark. The athletic venues would be a counterpoint to the daytime use of the museum(s) on the NE corner. Perhaps, the culture quadrant will have a performance hall, or a movie theater or two. (Faust is big on building the visual arts at Harvard.)
Google now has street view of Paris. Some pictures of how the Sorbonne is stitched together with its neighborhood.
From the front steps of the Sorbonne looking north (pretty sterile):
From the front steps of the Sorbonne looking west:
From Boul Mich, looking in the opposite direction to the picture above.
44 Boul Mich looking south and north from the axis of place de la Sorbonne
Various views of place Edmond Rostand, a sort of Barry's Corner intersection. Near the Sorbonne.
place Edmond Rostand at the entrance to the Luxembourg Gardens.
An observation. Note the street wall, note the density.
By contrast, a look at the bucolic retail and entertainment heart of South Hadley MA, across the street from the bucolic campus of Mount Holyoke. Owned by Mount Holyoke, BTW.
No polling, please, of North Allstonites as to which kind of development they would prefer.