How to be sarcastic


Staff member
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
I think most people can usually tell when someone is being sarcastic, but it appears that this is not everyone. In order to cut down on confusion and/or stop fights from erupting from misunderstandings, I ask that from now on if you want to say something that you know is a sarcastic, off hand remark, please add a closed bracket to the comment:



What Boston needs are more boxes with stripes. [/sarcasm]

If this is too complicated for people, perhaps an emoiticon would suffice. :)rolleyes: , :wink: , etc)

NOTE: Sarcasm is not to be confused with irony.

Irony, like sarcasm, can easily be expressed via a closed bracket:

[/irony] or [/ironic]



As these things can be subtle, confusion is common. Please try to be thoughtful of those you chose to look down upon with sly remarks so that they might better understand how much they suck. Thank you.


P.S. Please refrain from using double negatives when using the new sarcasm/irony brackets as this will make anything bracketed doubly un-sarcastic/un-ironic and just make you look like a fool.
IMO any sarcasm using the word "shadow" should be banned for complete lack of originality.
IMO any sarcasm using the word "shadow" should be banned for complete lack of originality.

Amen (though I'm sure I've been guilty of it at some point as well).

I think Van makes a good point. The members that have been here forever can pick up on others' sarcasm easily, but for newer/younger members it can be tough. It's very hard to learn the personality of someone via text on a computer scree, a screen name (or handle), and a potential signature and/or avatar. I can tell you with a good degree of certainty that Toby has the most clearly recognizable personality and humor on the forum, and it's a better place for it. The rest of us can be hard to read. For example, I wasn't sure Toby would be aware I was joking about the Jonas Brothers---I was, btw, and he did pick up on it, but how should anyone know what type of music I like? I could be listening to Toby Keith's "Footwear in Anus" song [/EXTREME Sarcasm] for all you know right as I'm typing this.

Anyway, good suggestion; I much prefer a little hint towards the sarcasm than asking for a reduction in it. It's the humor that makes some of the long-winded areas a bit easier to read through and the failed projects and disappointments easier to get over. If it weren't for that humor, this would be a much quieter forum.
IMO any sarcasm using the word "shadow" should be banned for complete lack of originality.

See also: UFP jokes an the word SOAR!

Of course I'm very much guilty of all three, but I've been known to drive a joke into the ground, dig it up and beat it down again. :rolleyes:

Would this be a good place to request that the rest of the emoticons be fixed? Because I think that might help.
Yeah, this plan will really work. I'm going to really take the time to place sarcasm after every sarcasm I make. [/sarcasm] [/ironic]

Score I did both in one sentence.
^^ Hey, that was funny! [/sarcasm]

Is there an emoticon for mooning someone?
^^Nonsense! That is merely a mooning emoticon per toby's request.

THIS is a cryptic post:
As I understand it, a mooning is dropping your drawers and showing your ass.

A streak is disrobing completely and running across an open field or a crowded amphitheater.
^ Yeah.

So which did you post?

(Or are the emoticons not showing up on my computer?)
Ahh... I see what is going on. The emoticon I posted is showing up on my screen. It must be saved in my cache.

Try this link. Hopefully, that will shed some light on the situation. ;)

Let me know if it works.
