How Walkable Is Your Neighborhood?


Senior Member
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Enter your street and zip and this site will tell you how "walkable" your neighborhood is based on a listed set of criteria. Not super accurate, but pretty fun nonetheless. How does Boston rank?
I'd say pretty well. My street in the North End got me a 92. What hurt me the most was the Loews being almost a mile away.
Mine's still asking the computer to calculate my score.
The site has been Dugg, so their servers are probably going to be pretty slow for a few.
You can pretty much guess at your score. If a majority of the the services in the pic below are within a quarter mile you'll probably be in the 90s. All it does is some business searches in a radius around your address and then calculates a score. Not the greatest algorithm in the world, but I guess it can help people looking for a new neighborhood.

briv said:
The site has been Dugg, so their servers are probably going to be pretty slow for a few.

Haha, I was about to write "Someone's been reading Digg".
What's the "Time Warner Book" store? I've never heard of it, and I'm in the North End five days a week.
Ron Newman said:
What's the "Time Warner Book" store? I've never heard of it, and I'm in the North End five days a week.

It's actually that little book icon near Govt Center. Time Warner Book Group which I believe is a publisher. Google must give it as a result when you search for "bookstore" in 02113. It also gives some place called "Eastern National" (the book in Charlestown). In reality I guess the closest real result is the Suffolk University Bookstore or the Borders downtown.
"Eastern National" is a concessionaire for the National Park Service, so that's probably the Visitor Center at the Navy Yard.

I gave up after five minutes of waiting for results for Davis Square.
West roxbury got a 72/100. Not bad for an almost suburb.
"Suburban" JP 02130 got a 91-100.
Where I live got a 2/100 lol
it's cause I live in a completely suburban town in NH, with a population of 20,000....Also the neighborhood where I live, is almost all residential and I live far away from the town center.
justin said:
palindrome said:
West roxbury got a 72/100. Not bad for an almost suburb.
^ Beats Harvard Sq. by one point.

Like i said, it aint the most accurate guage in the world, but its still fun.

But now that I think of it, where do you go for groceries in Harvard Sq? Or are those Harvard folks sustained on pure intellect?
briv said:
But now that I think of it, where do you go for groceries in Harvard Sq?

Closest place is probably Broadway Marketplace, a couple blocks east of the Yard.

62 where I grew up in W. Roxbury
80 where I lived in Roslindale 8)
57 where I live now in Malden :(

This is about right.

If they included T stops Malden would be higher and Westie lower.
But since I've moved to Malden, I've been saying there needs to be more restaurants and stores in my neighborhood. This just proves me right.

Also: it counted the local cemetery as a park. It's a nice cemetery and all but I wouldn't really think of using it as park. :?
Charlestown got a 72. Not bad since there is almost everything here except a McDonalds or a Burger King. Still think it should got more though.
95 for my place in Central Square (University Park). Pretty much everything is within walking distance--Star Market, Target, beer store, library, cashed-checks store, beer store, cashed-checks store, etc.
