I hate winter.


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2007
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I fucking hate thinking the day is over at 3:30 because the sun is sinking.
Re: W Hotel

Every December, when I return home for the holidays, I am determined to take lots of pics and explore Boston's endlessly fascinating development scene (heh heh). Then because of jet lag and school-induced exhaustion, I wind up sleeping till the afternoon, inevitably waking up in pitch darkness. It sucks.

But wow that light + the skyline view from Mem Drive is brilliant
Re: W Hotel

All the pictures I took today were taken from 3:20 to 4:30, with this one being at 3:58.

Subtext: the Patriots-Dolphins game kept my interest longer than I anticipated, so that by the time I got out I only had an hour of sunlight left (you can see how low the sun was in even the earliest pics I took at Harvard-Allston) and I was left racing around Cambridge like a madman trying to get it all covered :)

Same thing happened to me when I did the rounds 2-3 weeks ago. I walked from Kenmore to Downtown crossing and ran out of light before being able to get to fan pier and south station. It sucks when going out at 2pm is still to late for a full day of pics.
Re: W Hotel

I like the shape of this building, and the glass facet. This will be a nice tower for that spot. It will stick out in a great way for sure.
But ya as you guys were saying, I can't stand how early the sun goes down. The day basically feels over around 4 now which makes me feel like a waste of life on weekends when i wake up around 12 noon and have 4 hours of daylight, most of which is the sun setting. LAME
Re: W Hotel

Yea the early days suck, but I imagine it must be much worse in Europe considering Boston is south of most of it. I believe the UK would be in the middle of Hudson Bay. Those fuckers would be arctic if it wern't for the gulf stream.
Re: W Hotel

The shorter days have a noticeable impact on the dialogue on this board. Things tend to get really negative...more so than usual.
In my experience in Europe, (have only been there in the summer) from southern Italy to Amsterdam, the days seemed unusually longer than they are here in Boston, or anywhere else I've ever been. I remember it being light out at 9:30-10pm in July/August.
Re: W Hotel

One thing is that Amsterday is on the far western edge of the continental European time zone, whereas Boston is actually east on the Eastern time zone if they were strictly based on equidistant meridians, and should be in the Atlantic time zone. There is really over an hour variance in sunlight biased towards later sunrise/later sunset in Amsterdam based on this alone. Also, Amsterdam is more northern, which extends the amount of total daylight in the summer.
Re: W Hotel

The length of day and night are set by latitude. For all practical purposes, every city at any given latitude has the same length of day and night on any given day of the year. Boston is at the same latitude as northern Spain and central Italy and has days of the same length as those places throughout the year. Places like Seattle, Minneapolis, London and Amsterdam have much shorter days in the winter. Since Boston is far to the eastern end of the eastern time zone, it gets dark early in winter and days seem short, especially if you get up late in the morning. Try getting up earlier if it bothers you (or move to Ohio at the western end of the time zone). You can also get a bright full spectrum light for your living room - I did.
Re: W Hotel

The sun just went down here in Sanibel about 40 minutes ago. When I worked in Glasgow years ago, it used to be great coming out of the pub in June at 11 P.M. (mandatory closing hour) and the sun was still up!
Re: W Hotel

Complain all you guys want, I love the darkness. :)
In darkness let me dwell; the ground shall sorrow be,
The roof despair, to bar all cheerful light from me;
The walls of marble black, that moist'ned still shall weep;
My music, hellish jarring sounds, to banish friendly sleep.
Thus, wedded to my woes, and bedded in my tomb,
O let me dying live, till death doth come, till death doth come.

My dainties grief shall be, and tears my poison'd wine,
My sighs the air, through which my panting heart shall pine:
My robes my mind shall suit exceeding blackest night,
My study shall be tragic thoughts, sad fancy to delight.
Pale ghosts and frightful shades shall my acquaintance be:
O thus, my hapless joy, I haste to thee, I haste to thee.
Night and darkness are facts of life and nothing to be afraid of. I wish more architecture and public spaces here took it into account. These things have a life long after the sun goes down, especially in winter when that happens at around 3pm. It's completely ridiculous and sad that this city seems to assume the sun shines 24 hours a day.
In darkness Ablarc dwells
With Dowland sharing hell.
Yet yonder airline beckons
So with sunshine he may reckon.
PPffft. Oh my gawd! Pompous asses. :p
(Am I still allowed to be personally judgmental on this board or have we gone all politically correct?)

I just got back from only my third 'winter' excursion to the northeast in fifteen years.

I loathe that dusk arrives over an hour earlier in Boston than where I live now. It was messing me up. My day often doesn't begin until 2 or 3 in the afternoon.

And cold--I arrived in Boston for the minus 11 wind chill. WTF?!
Eskimos would be pained.
My dad (who must be part Eskimo--he likes the bone chilling cold) was laughing at me. He left me standing outside the 'demolished' Ashmont station--what a disaster during the construction phase that seems to be--waiting too long for him to arrive.

The collective groan that emitted from the passengers on the SFO to BOS flight when they announced the wind chill was almost worth it. :D

I will admit, I like snow for it's calming effect. I have fond memories of how snow muffles all ambient sounds, even during a light dusting (1" and up). Everyone knows that everbody else has to take their time, and nobody is in a rush to get anywhere, for the most part.

Aside from that, snow, like cold winter, kills. ;)
PPffft. Oh my gawd! Pompous asses. :p
(Am I still allowed to be personally judgmental on this board or have we gone all politically correct?)

To answer your questions:

1) Yes.

2) No.

P.S. My condolences on your shabby little life.
