Idyl Fenway | 60 Kilmarnock St | Fenway

Not crazy about prefab brick panels generally, but they did a good job on this one. No vertical seams noticeable.
Looks like youre right.
For someone (me) who knows nothing about this, how can you tell? In that last picture I can see a vertical seam in the bricks below the right windows. I would have assumed that's where two panels come together.
I mean I def could be wrong, Ive been wrong about plenty of things before, but I was just saying that it also looked like laid brick to me. The things I looked at that made me think it was, was things like:

Excess mortar piled up on the sil, plus the bricks on either sil arent perfectly aligned. Theres also a couple spots where they need to touch up the mortar between bricks like the spot next to the window and the spot at the bottom of the picture.

More excess mortar on the upper sil here which will be cleaned up later, and a big glob of mortar in the opening with a few loose full sized bricks that are yet to be installed.

Openings like this which are unfinished usually dont exist in precast panels, whatever goes there would be built in to the panel.

The brick ends are also staggered where the facade is unfinished and bricks will be added later.

plus whatever unfinished business is going on with that zig zag part.

As far as the seams on modern brick construction even with hand laid brick they usually still add expansion joints to allow the facade to expand and contract, so seams in of itself does not always mean something is prefab. So to my non expert eye it does look like real hand laid brick.
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