Industrial Boston

are you trying to romanticize outmoded and vanished industry (yawn) or celebrate current industry? That would be interesting and worth looking at more than once, to be brutally honest.

how about:
(note i don't own any of these, all grabbed from flickr)





What's the fourth one?

one of the ventilation shafts for the Ted Williams Tunnel under construction it looks like.... the one across from the convention center. Not really "industry" now that I think about it, more infrastructure, but still of that aesthetic, and of the "now"
I like these shots. Contemporary "industry" doesn't seem to have lost its edge, at least when taken stock of by skilled photographers.
^Armpits, great shot (and thread). I love the grit that comes across in your photos.

I did laugh at that last picture (of the tracks) a little though. It's a great shot. And it's one the provides a really cool perspective (in the tunnel). But whenever I see black and white railroad tracks I think of a moody teenager with their first camera (I must know a dozen kids that had b/w railroad photos in high school). Again, I know that's not what you were going for and your picture is great, but that's just what came to mind.
That blowout is rather unfortunate. Would have worked better if the tracks were darker and opened up into the light.
I like it. The whole effect evokes an ominous feeling, like an industrial slaughterhouse or a concentration camp.
