Infill and Small Developments | Portland

180 Washington currently being demolished - looks like the same owner as the proposed 4 unit from 2022, but those plans never made it to review.

In the 80s, it was the after-5 watering hole for a lot of the blue collar industrial workers on the waterfront (Blake's, etc.) I wonder how many people in that's demographic are still around.
Mid $2M (!) to start

Did that penthouse on the corner of India and Middle ever sell? How about the Hobson top end units? They must have at least a few LOIs signed.
I saw an article recently that asserted that a big reason real estate prices are so high is that the industry successfully got itself exempted from most of the U.S. financial crimes reporting and Know Your Customer laws. So, if you have tens or hundreds of millions lying around from your thriving business exporting blood diamonds and rhino horn, or that you picked up by being a Warm Close Personal Friend of Vlad, paying boatloads of cash for a NY condo is supposedly a great place to park it. And then that trickles down so a couple of lawyers wind up paying $2 million for a 2BR on Pine St. where before they probably would have gotten a place on Cumberland Foreside.
lol and hundreds of people complaining in the comments. Last time I checked there were well over 200 comments and not even 200 likes! People absolutely lose it when they see nice new housing being built in Portland😂
It reminds me of the 4 story condo building near the fire station on Munjoy Hill. So many got angry at that proposed new build and then after it was built, I think people realized it was far better than all that old junk housing around it, then softened up a bit. If you take away all the older and poorly designed and energy inefficient housing in Maine there wouldn't be much around. It's like with a brand-new car. If you give anyone a big cash windfall the first thing that they do is to dump their current older model one and will buy a brand-new Mercedes (hybrid).
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People would rather have this? It's cute and served it's purpose. But in-fill would be nicer.

People are probably balking at the price tags. Perhaps a Redfern-type in-fill project would have gotten fewer complaints.

This area of the West End (Congress Street included) is some of the most livable, walkable, enjoyable parts of Portland. Esp when you compare it to the downtown section of Congress Street (just feels like a dead zone). The Old Port is bustling, but full of tourists on top of locals. East End still feels isolated out on its own. Redevelopment of 465 Congress will help, plus Top of the Old Port, Canal Plaza, and maybe some day Portland Square with taller buildings. More density will come, it just might take 20 years given how slow Portland moves.


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This is another unintended side-effect of the Green New Deal. It's more cost-effective to just build 9 ultra high-end units than it would be to build say 10-20 smaller more mid-market condo units under all of the GND restrictions (which kick in for projects of 10 units or greater)
Regarding affordable much of that will Portland need if the next administration deports 15 million?
Regarding affordable much of that will Portland need if the next administration deports 15 million?
Well, if one believes them there's the entire Portland subreddit for starters...
