Infill and Small Developments | Portland


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Jun 14, 2016
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A discussion for smaller projects in Portland and surrounding communities.

A few projects that are either planned, approved, or under construction as of January 2020 :

5-7 India St. - 24 residential units


10 Hammond St. - 16 Residential Units



33-37 Montreal St. - 14 Residential Units


263 Cumberland Ave. - 85-90 bed low- income boarding house

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66 State St- 30 Affordable / Addiction recovery assisted living units


25 Monument St. - 6 residential units - Under Construction

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Front Street public housing redevelopment - now fully funded and expected to break ground this year:
Does anyone know what's being built in front of the GearHub on Washington?? Can't find any info on the self-service portal.

Also curious what's going in at the corner of Hampshire and Newbury next to the Luminato Condos.
Does anyone know what's being built in front of the GearHub on Washington?? Can't find any info on the self-service portal.

It's going to be a sauna / bathhouse thing:

Also curious what's going in at the corner of Hampshire and Newbury next to the Luminato Condos.

Good question, I have no idea. I vaguely recall the Luminato developers talking about doing something with that corner lot but I haven't seen any plans/permits.
Good question, I have no idea. I vaguely recall the Luminato developers talking about doing something with that corner lot but I haven't seen any plans/permits.

I figured NewHeight had something to do with it. It's an awfully small lot, I can't imagine anything substantial going there.
I figured NewHeight had something to do with it. It's an awfully small lot, I can't imagine anything substantial going there.

My recollection is that during one or another planning board meeting for the Verdante condos, the developers were criticized by neighbors for the vacant condition of the corner lot, where there was previously a house that was demolished as part of the Luminato development. If I'm remembering correctly, in response the developers said they were planning to do some landscaping or other improvement to the lot.
My recollection is that during one or another planning board meeting for the Verdante condos, the developers were criticized by neighbors for the vacant condition of the corner lot, where there was previously a house that was demolished as part of the Luminato development. If I'm remembering correctly, in response the developers said they were planning to do some landscaping or other improvement to the lot.

This is definitely more than landscaping. They're digging a foundation that takes up 95% of the lot.
This is definitely more than landscaping. They're digging a foundation that takes up 95% of the lot.

Walked by yesterday, appears residential. I suspect 3-4 story apartment building.

With Luminato, Verdante, Mason Block on India, and the upcoming project at 83 Middle St, this area of the city has benefitted from the recent boom and gentrification of Portland after a historic reputation as a rough neighborhood like Bayside, Munjoy Hill, and “the combat zone” on Middle Street (long ago!)

This seems like yesterday:

And was recently in the news again:

Sangillo’s replacement, Tomaso’s, is one of my favorite places to grab wings and drink.

I can't find any plans for this project on the city's public portal. I hope it does go up 3-4 stories, which will help to block the really bland east side of the Luminato building.
Try this link:

For single-family and duplex houses, there's no planning board/site plan review required, but you can still find building permits.
Thanks. This is the only real rendering I see in any of those documents, and it's strangely out of context:

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Agreed. The backdrop is laughable. It is interesting city approved a single family residence for this location. 4 bed, 2 bath 1,500+ sq with underground parking, but not ideal for urban density on the peninsula. I would have preferred 4 level building with ground floor parking and 3-6 apartments (or unfortunately luxury condos) pending size of lot. The city is in desperate need of housing, and I look forward to any market rate apartment projects.
I'm amazed that the India St. FBC zoning even ALLOWS for single family development. Seems like a huge loophole.
I'm amazed that the India St. FBC zoning even ALLOWS for single family development. Seems like a huge loophole.

As long as it's below 4 stories and 45 feet....most the planning dialogue generally seems centered on height, step backs, facade, and frontage. I feel increased density will improve priority for upgraded mass transit and projects like Franklin Arterial improvement. Eventually aiding in part to the complicated transition from single person cars and large amounts of parking in urban centers.
On a MEREDA webinar this morning the developer of 5 India Street said that construction should get underway in the next month or so. He also said it will be a rental building and the units will be smaller, on the order of 500-600 sq. feet. The rendering he showed was the same as the one approved by the planning board.

All three of the developers on the call seemed to be in consensus that the future of development in the city, at least in the near term, is residential. They also each expressed major concerns about several referendums on the upcoming city ballot, in particular one that would increase the number of affordable or work-force units in new developments of 10 or more units. They basically said this would kill residential development in the city (because of the economics of it). They've got a website that describes their positions:
