Instant Messaging within VBulletin


Senior Member
May 25, 2006
Reaction score

I know this really isn't a huge upgrade over a PM but if an IM function between members is a free and quick add-on would you consider it?

I'm always forgetting to check to see if I have a PM and sometimes lose 'timely' info.

If it is a hassle or cost money, forget I asked.

Instant Messaging within VBulletin
I've never understood why people use PM systems on bulletin boards instead of just sending e-mail.
I've never understood why people use PM systems on bulletin boards instead of just sending e-mail.

I don't think it would be much of an issue on this site, but on larger forums, giving out your email may seem a little risky to some. Private messages are a good way to have a private conversation without giving out a personal email.
I've been giving out my e-mail since 1979 (at one site or another) and it's never caused any problems that I can see.

Whenever someone sends me a private message through a bulletin board system, my reply is 'Please don't use this. Just send me ordinary e-mail.'
^^ I am the same way, I don't have any problem with giving out my email and using it as a primary means of communication, yet many people prefer to limit the number of people they reveal their email address to.
If people are interested in this, I'll look into it. The little that I know about mods like this is that they can sometimes bog down the server. But, again, I really don't know that much about them.
