Terrorists are a real threat and they must be met with deadly force since that is what they subject us to. They are filled with zealous hate but they fight smart.
We fight dumb. They are ruining our economy. We are headed toward militarism, facism and the loss of our freedoms (and therefore our country) as we ignorantly fight these people.
We must adopt an entirely new approach. It has to be intelligence based, multi-pronged, deadly, affordable and winnable. We must be vigilante that our country does not become a dictatorship in the process. The war in Iraq is an expensive waste of resources and lives, and they know it even if we don't.
We have beefed up our intelligence and security, that's good but not nearly enough has been done. Look at all the problems we have on practically a daily basis as our airline, conventon and tourist industries founder.
We need to be able to kill the leaders and perpetrators of terroroism where it hurts, on their turf, without incurring massive losses and expense. Old-style wars, like the one we are fighting, kill innocents destroy expensive infrastructure and breed millions of hateful civilians. Small pinpoint operations that kill the right people do much less collateral damage. The enemy must believe we know where they are and will kill them when it suits our needs. This will give us bargaining chips so diplomacy can be effective. It will also give the American people confidence to fly, work and prosper. It's not an easy job but the cost of the war in Iraq could have been much better spent. After all these years we could be safer, and the world could be less dangerous if we were willing to adopt new tactics.
A defensive military action that becomes too expensive and non-productive leads to collapse. Look to the cold war and the Soviet Union.
A president with a limited intellect and creativity, the neoconservative ideals, and religous fanaticsm (Muslim, Christian or otherwise) will lead to us becoming more like them, than them becomig more like us. I for one don't want to live in a country like Iraq or Iran, and I don't want the US to become a place like that in the process of fighting the mis-named war on terror.