Issue with "New Posts" functionality

$10 here as well. I suggest we pass around a hat at the next meetup for this.

And if Briv is still dropping in, I would really like to see Data be promoted to a position where he can fill in for Briv's absences and assist even when Briv finds time again. He knows his stuff and, IMO, would be a very fair moderator to boot.

Let's freshen up the place, please!
Is statler running this board now? I noticed it says administrator under his name.
Not really. Briv did reach out to me a while back and explained that he had to spend less time on the board due to personal reasons. (Nothing medical - he, as far as I know, is fine)

He did change my status to Administrator but it is mostly honorific as near as I can tell. I can close/move/delete threads and posts but that's about it. I can't make any changes to the forum itself.

He left his full time return somewhat open ended so I am hopeful he will be back at some point. Beyond that I don't have any more information.
$10 here as well. I suggest we pass around a hat at the next meetup for this.

OKay.. when's the next meet up? (I didn't know you guys had them!)

and yes I'll contribute some. I also have vbulliten board experience too (as an administrator) if that helps.
Like sand thru the hour glass.. so are the days of lives.
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