Jamaica Plain Infill and Small Developments

920 Centre Street​


“The Proposed Project consists of the complete renovation of the existing 50,000 SF monastery building into 38 senior rental units, with 25 units designated as affordable, and the construction of a new mass timber building behind the existing monastery with 85 condominium units. The Project will also include approximately 8,000 SF of amenity space, 118 parking spaces, 103 long-term bicycle parking spaces, and significant public realm improvements to activate the Project Site and immediate surroundings. The project will require Large Project Review under Article 808 of the Code.”




920 Centre Street​

View attachment 60116

“The Proposed Project consists of the complete renovation of the existing 50,000 SF monastery building into 38 senior rental units, with 25 units designated as affordable, and the construction of a new mass timber building behind the existing monastery with 85 condominium units. The Project will also include approximately 8,000 SF of amenity space, 118 parking spaces, 103 long-term bicycle parking spaces, and significant public realm improvements to activate the Project Site and immediate surroundings. The project will require Large Project Review under Article 808 of the Code.”


View attachment 60117
I must say, and knowing this will be developed one way or another, this is a horrendous location for a development like this. Too many people, and the only access is right at the rotary (which will soon be a signaled intersection). No other way in or out.
The price per square foot for the market rate condos in this location should justify real brick… not panelling. This will be especially obvious given the proximity to the original building. One more example of a silly number of facade styles. At least it doesn’t have alternating windows.

Permit Issued for 90+ Unit JP Multifamily​

“A permit valued at $46,462,795 has been pulled to begin construction on a 6-story multifamily development at 127 Amory Street in Jamaica Plain. The development will include 96 residential units with 17 parking spaces. Site work includes a new private-way connection to Holtzer Street and Amory.”


-This falls under the 125 Amory st masterplan on bostonplans but this specific building is 127 Amory st. It is being built behind 125 Amory st. 101 Amory st. is yet to be built.



Current site:





2/17 (unless otherwise noted):

1599 Columbus Avenue (65 units)

10 Stonley Road (45 units)

3371 Washington Street (39 senior units)

Doyle's Cafe Project - 3478-3484 Washington Street (16 units)

28-30 Hyde Park Avenue (9 units)
(as of 2/8)

72 Hyde Park Avenue (6 units)
(as of 2/8)

Department of Public Heath - Jamaica Plain Campus Tower Renovation
(as of 1/25)

Permit Issued for 90+ Unit JP Multifamily​

“A permit valued at $46,462,795 has been pulled to begin construction on a 6-story multifamily development at 127 Amory Street in Jamaica Plain. The development will include 96 residential units with 17 parking spaces. Site work includes a new private-way connection to Holtzer Street and Amory.”


-This falls under the 125 Amory st masterplan on bostonplans but this specific building is 127 Amory st. It is being built behind 125 Amory st. 101 Amory st. is yet to be built.

View attachment 60232
View attachment 60233

Current site:
View attachment 60236
View attachment 60237
View attachment 60234
View attachment 60235



Gah, now I wish I had pushed back this walk by a few weeks. For the record, I walked by this site this morning and there were no signs of activity yet.
^ I appreciate the pictures and thanks for always labelling which development it is, helps a lot.

4-Story Residential/Commercial Building Planned for Old Gas Station on Centre Street​


“A developer has proposed building a new 4-story, mixed use building with 12 units and one commercial space for a Centre Street site that was last operated by a gas station…..”

^ I appreciate the pictures and thanks for always labelling which development it is, helps a lot.

4-Story Residential/Commercial Building Planned for Old Gas Station on Centre Street​


“A developer has proposed building a new 4-story, mixed use building with 12 units and one commercial space for a Centre Street site that was last operated by a gas station…..”

I hate it and know it’s gonna look like plastic shit based on that render. Everybody finds over the idea of buildings like this but what happened to ARCHITECTURE? This is just recycled mimicry of a century ago. Why repeat over and over? Can we really not generate new ideas?
