Job situation in Boston


New member
Jan 4, 2008
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Hopefully people look in this section from time to time, but I didn’t know where else to post a questions like this. Anyway, here’s my question:

I currently live in Philadelphia and work as a communications specialist/technical writer for the IT department at the city’s power company (PECO). However, I may be let go in the next few weeks due to staff reductions. The severance I would get if this should occur would provide my wife and I the opportunity to move to Boston, something that we have been planning to do for some time now. However, I wasn’t sure what the current job outlook in Boston is, given the economic climate. I was wondering if any of you bloggers had any info/insight on the matter.

I’m pretty sure I could find something here in Philadelphia, but it looks like there are also a good number of positions in Boston. However, my wife is an architect and the industry is kind of dead here in Philly. She resigned from her last job, so there’s nothing really keeping us here. I’m not sure if anyone would have any info about my profession, but was hoping someone would know if architecture firms up there have been hiring and whether the architecture community is still pretty active. My wife is interested in LEED/sustainable design and environmental systems, so if anyone knows any firms that specialize in that, it would be helpful.

I’m not sure if there’s a different Boston blog I could go to that would be more helpful, so let me know if there is. Basically I’m trying to decide whether I should try and get another job in the company I’m in, get one in Philly or shoot for Boston. Thanks for your help!
