Just another band out of Boston...

I wish I had one of his boards. I've had a ten foot Hobie since about 1966, but I'm getting too old/slow for the popup. Ain't no Viagra for that one!

The nostalgia is killing me!
And the resurrected, long-dormant roar in my ears almost made me cry! :eek:
(Oup. No. That's just tinnitus. :()

Forgot about a few from that Rumble list--the bands that didn't emit much from beyond our insulated northeastern circle, but just as awesome. (How could I forget these?!)

Third Rail, Unnatural Axe, Pastiche, The Sex Execs, The Schemers, Judy's Tiny Head, Dumptruck, Rash of Stabbings, Adventure Set, Bim Skala Bim, Heretix, Blake Babies, Uncle Betty (I had one of their t-shirts until recently!), Dambuilders, and Digney Fignus and their girl with the curious hand! (Somebody ought to compile one of those one-hit-wonders discs, Boston-style, if one doesn't already exist.)

Remember these guys?
New Man
Ball & Pivot

Nope. Sorry.

Excellent! My copy of Tribe's Abort LP is signed by all five members. Somewhere there's a tape of a radio interview I did with them. (Am I being that guy, statler? If so, sorry.)

Be that guy. Keep them alive!
I used to drag people off to Tribe's shows. I thought they had IT.
Frequently, I still play their EP and first major label release and it always elicits a 'who is this?' every time I play it when the unenlightened are in the room, who then always ask for a copy. Tribe's mistake was going all moody and losing what was left of their thumping tom-tom party undercurrent on their follow-up release. Pity.

Do you recall?
Bullet LaVolta
The Bags
Sleep Chamber (basically the house band at Man Ray)

Hell, yeah! on Bullet LaVolta.
However, The Bags that I knew were out of LA.
There was a house band at Man Ray?
Was I always that fockered when I was there that I didn't know it had live music? Heheheh


Providence may trump Boston: it's the birthplace of the Talking Heads.

Then you must include The Mundanes... you know who was in that band... right?
And Rubber Rodeo, the Detectives ... okay I'll stop.
I'm burning out my own memory network now.

statler said:
Somehow the Dresden Dolls got left out of this discussion.

This neo-cabaret thing will probably go the same way as the neo-swing movement of the late nineties, but there is no denying that the Dolls are at the forefront. For better or worse.

Check out Rick Berlin as well as his associated bands--Orchestra Luna, Berlin Airlift, The Movie

Also forgot to mention earlier: Birdsongs of the Mesozoic, and ... one other I am blanking on.
Thanks guys, I was afraid this would become a 'rock out with your cock out' thread. :)

Nice to see the other stuff that's out there.

BTW, that guy:
Nice obit for Mr. Interior in the Globe today. My condolences to Ms. P. Ivy.
Ha! When somebody told me he had died, I immediately thought to come here and say something, too, even though the Cramps weren't Boston-based.

I got to see them play a few times back in the day.

Speaking of seeing now-deceased people back in the day, I'm feeling the same way I felt when members of the Ramones started dying. Also saw them live back in the day, frequently, especially in RI. Made them seem as New England-based as any Boston band because they played there/here so much. (Oy! Old peeps reminiscing. Disgusting! :p)

Thanks for making me overly nostalgic. :rolleyes: As a result, I have been digging through dust-covered tapes all week, pulling out things I haven't listened to in decades (and never will again after too many of the brittle tapes snapped :().

Also went to YouTube looking for a lost gem or two.


Referenced this band earlier, concerning one band member who became more prominent in another venture years later. He's even from the Boston burbs, though none of his bands were considered Boston-based, including the one posted above.

Edit: Oops. That's odd. Embedding wasn't disabled until after I posted it. Click twice to open video in new window.
