Lexington Small Developments

It’s located between the 62 and 76 routes, and the Rev and Lexpress are nearby. Walking distance to Stop & Shop and Walgreens. There is a very tenuous case to be made for TOD-style parking restrictions, assuming residents were working in the city.

It’s shame there wasn’t a convenient Red Line stop nearby… 😉
5-7 Piper Rd was approved on Oct. 9th, although with 46 units instead of 59

The Residences at Patriots Way

25-Unit Project Proposed in Lexington​

“Another multifamily project has been proposed in Lexington under the town's MBTA Communities Zoning. The Residences at Patriots Way, proposed at 185-189 Bedford Street, would be a 3-story multifamily project to replace two commercial buildings. The new building would include 25 apartments a mix of one, two and three-bedroom residences.”


Id say so. Looks like some new development just went up across the street too a couple years ago.

This is the type of infill that the neighbors wouldnt get too mad about. Its contextual with the neighborhood/town, plays well with its neighbors, and looks like it belongs. Most importantly it looks better than what was there before, thats how you can tone down the backlash and maybe even get support.

200 Unit Project Approved in Lexington​

“Cabot, Cabot & Forbes has won approval for a mixed-use project at 331 Concord Ave in Lexington. The development will include 200 new residential units of much-needed multifamily housing under Lexington's approved MBTA Communities Village Overlay District Zoning……”

331 concord

On the topic of transportation, more detailed concept designs for the Bedford/Hartwell Complete Streets project were recently released. This public meeting presentation has a good summary of the project thus far and here's the town website on it. Essentially the town is redesigning the roads in an area on the edge of town that has recently been rezoned.

A few screenshots from the presentation:
Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 1.34.25 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 1.45.14 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 1.46.21 PM.png
It's been 11 days since that Globe article got published, outlining how Lexington is on track to produce nearly 1,000 new units of housing, and I'm still here wondering how the hell that's even possible. Never in a gazillion years did I think Lexington would get out of its own NIMBY way and actually be something of a leader in the face of the new MBTA Communities requirements. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!


BXP Planning 300+ Unit Multifamily in Lexington​

“BXP has filed plans to redevelop 17 Hartwell Avenue in Lexington, the current site of a one-story R&D building constructed in the 1970s. Plans now call for the demolition of the commercial building and construction of a 312-unit multifamily property with a standalone 2,100 SF retail building and a 360+ space parking garage. The development would offer a mix of 1 through 3 bedrooms along with numerous amenity areas including 2 courtyards.”

17 hartwell

This is approved as of December 11th!
