Mayoral Candidates and the End of the BRA?

Maybe the BRA should consist of people who are hired based on qualifications instead of being arbitrarily appointed by councilors/the mayor. Make sitting on that board a premiere position in the design field in the northeast, so competition is strong and we get the best people on that board as possible.

I don't thing the BRA should be disbanded however, their Robert Moses-like power does enable getting_things_done when the mood strikes, which is a good thing. They just should not be beholden to the whims of whatever mayor/counselor/NIMBY/developer hangs dong at the moment.
Logue was hired based on qualifications, no?

That worked out well...
For those who are of the silly notion that putting the power over development into the hands of the City Council -- I have two words -- "'Chuck Turner"' -- aka "Super Fly"

First before term-limiting the BRA Board there need to be term limits on the City Council and Mayor
Ummm, Chuck Turner was a corrupt politician who held significant power in the city (scary). He traded special privileges from the law in return for bribes and, as a result, is a convicted felon.

Bringing up the vices of people like this in the City Council (or the State House, where as we all know the last 3 speakers have been indicted on criminal charges) as a cautionary tale against trusting these people with too much power over the city and state's economy, built environment, architecture, etc., isn't "racist"; it's civically responsible.
Ummm, Chuck Turner was a corrupt politician who held significant power in the city (scary). He traded special privileges from the law in return for bribes and, as a result, is a convicted felon.

Bringing up the vices of people like this in the City Council (or the State House, where as we all know the last 3 speakers have been indicted on criminal charges) as a cautionary tale against trusting these people with too much power over the city and state's economy, built environment, architecture, etc., isn't "racist"; it's civically responsible.

I don't disagree with a thing you said.

But using a blaxploitation film as a nickname was...loaded context. Would any white pol who did the exact same thing Turner did get that same exact tag?

No. And whighlander damn well knows this, but he chose to go there anyway.
Ummm, Chuck Turner was a corrupt politician who held significant power in the city (scary). He traded special privileges from the law in return for bribes and, as a result, is a convicted felon.

Bringing up the vices of people like this in the City Council (or the State House, where as we all know the last 3 speakers have been indicted on criminal charges) as a cautionary tale against trusting these people with too much power over the city and state's economy, built environment, architecture, etc., isn't "racist"; it's civically responsible.

Itch -- Thanks my sentiments exactly

The only kind of Term Limits practiced around here are:

1) Death
2) Federal Indictment
3) occasional promotion up and out
4) very very rarely voluntary retirement
5) exceedingly rarely -- traditional scheduled election of a successor -- limited to mostly first term Republicans [e.g. Scott Brown]

This is very very bad for the body politic as a lot of these folks while quite mature [in age] are in relatively good health. Most of the promotions just move them among the fixed set of elected seats [with few exceptions such as Marty Mehan and John Kerry].

So we've come to depend on the US Attorney to do the peoples business of "Throwing the Bums Out"
I don't disagree with a thing you said.

But using a blaxploitation film as a nickname was...loaded context. Would any white pol who did the exact same thing Turner did get that same exact tag?

No. And whighlander damn well knows this, but he chose to go there anyway.

F-Line -- a First you know a lot of this is "Tongue in Cheek" -- "we" like to attach names to our elected officials somewhat descriptively such as:

Live Shot Kerry -- because he was always getting on the local TV in a "Live Shot"
The Corrupt Midget -- for the diminutive and corrupt Bill Bulger

Big Red for the Tall and Red Headed Bill Weld

Felon Fineran for the convicted Tom Fineran

Good Times Charley Flarety

Mumbles Menino

and Chuck Super Fly Turner -- he was photographed by the FBI not only taking $$$ but his Fly was demonstratively open

Then there was the woman with the $$$ in her bra -- I can't quite remember her name

anyway you get it
F-Line -- a First you know a lot of this is "Tongue in Cheek" -- "we" like to attach names to our elected officials somewhat descriptively such as:

Live Shot Kerry -- because he was always getting on the local TV in a "Live Shot"
The Corrupt Midget -- for the diminutive and corrupt Bill Bulger

Big Red for the Tall and Red Headed Bill Weld

Felon Fineran for the convicted Tom Fineran

Good Times Charley Flarety

Mumbles Menino

and Chuck Super Fly Turner -- he was photographed by the FBI not only taking $$$ but his Fly was demonstratively open

Then there was the woman with the $$$ in her bra -- I can't quite remember her name

anyway you get it

Yeah, sure, go ahead and legitimize the nicknames Howie Carr tosses around. After all, he's such a shining example of a crusading, fearless big-city columnist who will stop at nothing to get the big story... just so long as said story doesn't involve any actual work and is limited to his endless rotating carousel of tired, recycled cliches and themes (Whitey Bulger/welfare frauds/Kennedys & Kerrys/Mumbles/depraved politicians)
F-Line -- a First you know a lot of this is "Tongue in Cheek" -- "we" like to attach names to our elected officials somewhat descriptively such as:

Live Shot Kerry -- because he was always getting on the local TV in a "Live Shot"
The Corrupt Midget -- for the diminutive and corrupt Bill Bulger

Big Red for the Tall and Red Headed Bill Weld

Felon Fineran for the convicted Tom Fineran

Good Times Charley Flarety

Mumbles Menino

and Chuck Super Fly Turner -- he was photographed by the FBI not only taking $$$ but his Fly was demonstratively open

Then there was the woman with the $$$ in her bra -- I can't quite remember her name

anyway you get it

Who's we?
F-Line -- a First you know a lot of this is "Tongue in Cheek" -- "we" like to attach names to our elected officials somewhat descriptively such as:

Live Shot Kerry -- because he was always getting on the local TV in a "Live Shot"
The Corrupt Midget -- for the diminutive and corrupt Bill Bulger

Big Red for the Tall and Red Headed Bill Weld

Felon Fineran for the convicted Tom Fineran

Good Times Charley Flarety

Mumbles Menino

and Chuck Super Fly Turner -- he was photographed by the FBI not only taking $$$ but his Fly was demonstratively open

Then there was the woman with the $$$ in her bra -- I can't quite remember her name

anyway you get it

Yes, I get it. You came back from vacation to do more of the threadshitting with loaded innuendo you're very well-known for at AB.

Oh, look, and we're off-topic! Successful troll is once again successful.
From the Boston Herald (source)

Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that he will seek a new cabinet-level development czar as well as an independent audit of the controversial Boston Redevelopment Authority — but watchdogs said his first step should be to staff the agency with top-notch professionals in the field.

Walsh told the Herald yesterday he will appoint an economic development cabinet chief overseeing the BRA and submit state legislation to reorganize it — a bill he hopes to submit before the end of this fiscal year.

“It will all be moving around the same time,” Walsh said. “I’m assuming the cabinet position will be in place before the restructuring of the BRA.”

Joseph Slavet, former head of the Boston Municipal Research Bureau, said Walsh would be wise to hire development professionals to lead the BRA and head up the new economic development cabinet position overseeing the agency — something he said was lacking in the former executive director, Peter Meade, and the current acting chief, Brian Golden.

“Peter Meade was not a professional development guy. He was essentially a public relations guy,” Slavet said. “Golden is not a development guy. He’s a former state representative.

“The developers had initiated cozy relationships with BRA staff, and there was no professional development expert at the top looking at these decisions.”

Walsh said he first wants to commission an independent audit of the development agency.

“I think this is great news because the BRA should be subjected to a full-blown audit, including a forensic audit,” said former Inspector General Gregory W. Sullivan, now research director at Pioneer Institute.

“The BRA should be reformed because it has been operating with autonomy without appropriate accountability. It’s an open invitation for influence peddling.”

Sullivan, who has criticized lucrative tax breaks handed out to favored developers under former Mayor Thomas M. Menino, suggested Walsh seek an audit from an outside agency with subpoena power, such as the IG’s office.

“I would encourage him to make sure the investigators have real teeth,” Sullivan said. “The key is that the reviewers should be arms length, unconstrained and with full access to the information.”

City Council President Bill Linehan called Walsh’s proposal to give city councilors a BRA board seat “exciting.” The mayor now appoints four board members, while the governor has one representative.

“I think it’s a true reflection of the new mayor’s ability to want to work with the City Council,” said Linehan. “It’s a new approach. It’s open and transparent.”

But Slavet said he doesn’t understand why Walsh would want to give up some of his BRA appointing power to a city councilor — who he said could use the new authority to stop urban renewal developments in his or her district.

Former Boston City Council president Larry DiCara said Walsh’s BRA reforms have a good shot at passing Beacon Hill.

“All of that is only possible with some legislation, but Marty certainly understands the Legislature,” said DiCara, who now represents developers at the Nixon Peabody law firm.

“I think what people are looking for is certainty in the development process and if this is the way to get there, I think the business community will be supportive.”

Looks like we're moving from getting rid of the BRA to auditing it, and replacing members with development professionals. I think it's overall a good move.
Anybody else find this word offensive? new cabinet-level development czar

This is somebody who works for the taxpayers. Not some Messiah
it's probably not the term the person holding the position wants, but its easier for the media to say "development czar" "drug czar" "terrorism czar" than whatever incredibly long title they give the person.
Anybody else find this word offensive? new cabinet-level development czar

This is somebody who works for the taxpayers. Not some Messiah

No. It has become an established term for oversight figure within the last 10-15 years or so.

But Slavet said he doesn’t understand why Walsh would want to give up some of his BRA appointing power to a city councilor — who he said could use the new authority to stop urban renewal developments in his or her district.

This. I just don't see what Walsh is planning to gain from making these changes.

The BRA doesn't just need oversight it needs a consistent, transparent and repeatable process for moving a project from proposal to construction.
Anybody else find this word offensive? new cabinet-level development czar

This is somebody who works for the taxpayers. Not some Messiah

I guess its better than "development Hitler", "development Stalin" "development Mao" or "development Pol Pot".
Czar (derived from Caesar) is the word for "emperor" in Slavic language (e.g. Russian). Its use in American politics is meant to denote "leader" or "boss." Some Czars were good, some were bad. Same for Kings. Or Presidents. Or Ministers. Or whatever. It doesn't carry any more nefarious meaning than if we said "Development King" instead. I think it used to carry a slight connotation that the "czar" had a lot of power over a mundane domain, but that seems to have waned and it is now used ubiquitously for the top post in a given field of government.
Actually the Slavic is Tsar. Or Tzar. The Huns had the Kaiser.
A major problem with development in Boston is that virtually every area is overly downzoned. Therefore, developers who want to build something big/tall enough to make best use for their capital (rather than using the capital to build in Atlanta, Dallas, NYC...) must get a zoning variance. More planning or blind adherence to zoning as though there is something sacred about zoning will be negative for building in Boston.

Giving up his power to get zoning variances through more planning, stricter zoning, or giving a BRA seat to the city council are all bad choices for Walsh. I don't know him well enough to predict what he will do, but as a former union guy, I believe he realizes the negative outlook for construction jobs in the city if he makes it tough to build. In addition, control over the BRA really helps him control the city through an enhanced reelection purse. I think he is savvy, and bet that all of the stuff he is talking about is just that - talk. He will make a show right after election, but little or nothing substantive will change.
