mbta bus locations in real-er time

About time. Even better if they put the displays outside as well, since it doesn't help all that much if you've already paid and are waiting in the station.

The other changes mentioned in that video sound positive as well - quiet cars on commuter rail and problem-spotting via customer photos. They've come a long way since detaining and questioning anyone who takes a photo underground...
Displays put wherever I'd be making a choice would be best. At porter, I might be choosing between the red line and the 77/83/96, and I'd be making that choice right in front of the station, before going downstairs. So that's where I'd like to see countdown signs. And ideally ones that showed both bus and subway counts together. If I can mix those in my little webapp the mbta ought to be able to as well (though I suspect they won't).
Considering the existing displays have been able to show countdowns since day 1...

About freaking time. The last GM said they could but nobody wanted it.

Heres one way it would really help me:

Outside Harvard Station, I want to get home. Do I:

a) Chill for a bit, maybe grab something to drink
b) Run for the alewife train
c) Run for the 77


DC announced they will start putting screens like this outside stations soon. The idea is great. I would change the design a bit (text is too small, lots of dead space), but something like this could save a lot of waiting time.


^^^^BUS^^^^ ^^^^BIKES^^^^^^ ^^^^METRO^^^^^^

Nobody wants subway countdowns? Really? Is it that or that people will actually know how bad MBTA headways are when the numbers are staring them right in the face?
I guess a system that transport people fast and doesn't break down from every possible reason including nice and sunny days would be higher on the list, but that GM wasn't getting that done either.
I assume many of you have heard by now that google maps has integrated the real time bus and subway data - click on bus or heavy rail stops in Boston and it will show live arrival times for upcoming trains and buses. I think the only other US city that google is piloting this with is SF.
Now if only the Wall Corporation could partner with Google to replace their fixed public map displays with smart touchscreens displaying all this information.
Lurker, love that idea. They could do it much cheaper if they just add QR (bar) codes to each stop and get people to use them to link to Google / other sites that display "next bus" information.
The idea is to get the information to people who don't have smartphones, so a QR code won't work.
