F-line, you may know. The Little Building is in such shitttttttttty shape. I mean the front is held on by strapping right now. Emerson obviously has to do something. Any enticement to provide ADA to at least IB side via the Little Building when that happens? Would code even allow or would they be obligated to do both IB and OB at once?
The LB is a no-go.
The former passageway now leads to the middle of the college's gym. It is completely covered by a new wall and there is zero trace of the entrance to be found. Even if the gym weren't there, I doubt Emerson would want random people roaming around its basement. It's a small space and would have to be completely reconfigured to keep private areas secure.
The staircase leading down there is barely wide enough to handle the crowds you get going to the treadmills, much less a subway. It can't be widened.
On the Boylston side, it opens to a very narrow stretch of platform that really wouldn't allow for two-way wheelchair traffic.
On a somewhat related note, I recall the T once proposed to turn the Dunkin' Donuts space into a Silver Line Phase III entrance without running the idea by Emerson first.