Medford Life Science Park | 278-326 Mystic Avenue | Medford


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
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1.2MSF across four eight-story buildings on the old MassDOT sign shop, among other adjacent parcels:

I've been wondering when this was gonna happen.... That whole stretch is rather run down and under-utilized, and directly next to 93. Across the street has had a for sale sign up for some time too.

I have rarely driven in the past 2 years, but every time I go through here, traffic is an absolute nightmare here (not to mention they seemingly changed the light pattern that seems to be completely reverse of what it should be a few months ago). Hopefully they hand over some funds for improvements.
"An earlier [40B] multifamily proposal drew objections from Medford Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn who noted that the city’s commercial-industrial tax base was at an all-time low of 10.6 percent."

Medford has been left out in the cold on the commercial building boom. This location is one for the few near-term opportunities for an improved commercial district for them. I do hope they're able to fix that god-awful Harvard Ave intersection. Would it be better served as a rotary candidate?

I always wished this turned into a "park and ride" bus hub to alleviate 93 traffic - perfect industrial location to both downtown (right before the HOV lane, and with space for a bus-only onramp) or to the Airport (along a new bus lane on overwide 16)
This stroad is actually one of the few cases where a stroad could have redevelopment and traffic calming and be saved as infill development in the core of Boston/Medford. In most cases, most stroads simply need to be abandoned and turned back to nature, especially those in Boston's outer rim of suburbs, far from anything meaningful. There'a already a bus route in this area of south Medford, and the Green Line Extension is only a bike ride away (1 mile) from this decript stroad. Nice to see some movement finally happening here.
