Mercy Hospital | 144 State Street | Portland


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Jun 15, 2018
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Posted on: October 28, 2020New Development Review Project - 144 State Street
To residents and property owners: NewHeight Redfern, LLC has submitted a Level III Site Plan and Subdivision application to facilitate a 195,942 square foot mixed use redevelopment project at 120 and 148 State Street. The proposed development would renovate the existing Mercy Hospital and Morrison House buildings to include a total of 175 dwelling units, along with medical clinic, self-storage, and commercial uses. The subject property is 2.34 acres in size and is zoned R-6 Residential. A related zoning map and text amendment application has been submitted for this project under application ZN-001163-2020.
In accordance with the Portland Land Use Ordinance, notices of receipt of a Level III Site Plan application must be sent to property owners within 500 ft. of the subject property (or 1,000 ft. if the project is a subdivision or map amendment for a site located within an Industrial Zone). You will be notified of future Planning Board meetings by receiving notices from the Planning Division prior to any workshops or public hearings. A project and plan summary is available for viewing on the Citizen Self Service Portal (, by referencing Plan Number PL-001259-2020. Written comments should be submitted to If you have any questions regarding the proposal, please contact Caitlin Cameron, Urban Designer, by phone at 207-874-8901 or e-mail at
93 Units of Family and Senior housing being proposed at the intersection of Spring and Winter St. First phase of the Mercy campus redevelopment

If they follow through with the renderings....including materials and landscape....that is some pretty attractive high density residential.
If they follow through with the renderings....including materials and landscape....that is some pretty attractive high density residential.

Agreed, for the most part - yesterday I was unsure of the attempt to integrate corbels, but today I feel better about them.
Thanks for sharing those additional images. Cosakita. As someone who lives near the site I'm really excited about how it looks. I'm all for more density here and could see the old hospital site being a nice center of the neighborhood once it's all redeveloped.
This new rendering of the entire Mercy site redevelopment is included in the latest planning board packet for the 9 townhomes on Winter St. (bottom right)

This also includes what I would assume is a preliminary rendering / massing of a 6-7 story building on State St. adjacent to the Smith House.

The nine townhomes are beautifully designed. I believe they will be Passivehaus certified. The rooftop terraces will give one an outstanding sunset experience.
Realizing these were already posted in Infill and Small Developments 🤦‍♂️

Enjoy the larger size.
Beautiful designs and appropriate for the neighborhood. Love it! Looks like the row of townhouses on the bottom right are in lieu of the larger building(s) the city disliked?
The nine townhomes are beautifully designed. I believe they will be Passivehaus certified. The rooftop terraces will give one an outstanding sunset experience.
Not doing Passivhaus....we are meeting the new stretch code and I have been pushing super hard for "fossil fuel free" units but some of reservations want gas stoves/fireplaces...... ~C
Beautiful designs and appropriate for the neighborhood. Love it! Looks like the row of townhouses on the bottom right are in lieu of the larger building(s) the city disliked?
So most of you know I would have preferred the larger, maxed out building density on this site. Better for the planet and affordability (my opinion - I know not everyone agrees) - and we had an LOI for a Senior Living Operator to develop the larger option but they walked from the deal and as most of you know we barely got Federal Street over the finish line pricing wise - the current IZ is a no go with new construction in this construction environment unless we ask for taxpayer dollars (TIF)......But as noted these Townhomes are very nice for this side of the lot at Winter Street. ~C
Not doing Passivhaus....we are meeting the new stretch code and I have been pushing super hard for "fossil fuel free" units but some of reservations want gas stoves/fireplaces...... ~C
I watched a promotional piece from an arch firm in Portland, Oregon who then demonstrated how their PH design allowed a gas kitchen stove. But not sure I would want to live in one. My brother is an architect (Boston) and he was going to build a small multi-family PH, but the materials cost was too high. I'd think 95% close to certification might by good enough, but then again, a 100% certification would allow one to go through an entire winter heated by a mere desktop computer? Keep building smart in Portland. The city can be a standout nationwide (if not already).
