Missing BC Student: Franco Garcia's Body Found


Senior Member
May 25, 2006
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As you all have heard, Franco Garcia has been missing since the end of February. News today has confirmed that the body found in the Reservoir, Wednesday morning is indeed Franco Garcia. Here's the link to article:


My condolocenses to the family. RIP Franco.

Couple of things that strikes me as odd:

1) The body managed to evade sonar and radar but then suddenly turn up in plain view weeks after the searches.

2) If this was a homicide, why would the murderer(s) dump his body in the most obviously location where Franco would most likely be found at and in plain sight. Most murderers would try to hide the body where it is least likely to be found.

My theory, and as most conspiracy theories go (take as a grain of salt), is that the body was dumped well after the police gave up on searching the Reservoir. The killer(s) then dumped the body into the Reservoir after they are sure that the police has stopped looking. If true, the killer(s) intentionally dumped the body in a place where the body can easily be found so that he can claim his work, to draw attention for it.

To be honest, I read about the Smiley-Face serial killer and the similarity between these cases so I may be a little bias. However, if what I said is true, there's a possibility that there is a serial killer within our midst.

Of course, none of this would matter if no foul play occurred.

At Universal Hub, one commenter is asking whether it was a good idea to remove the fence that used to block access to the reservoir. He is assuming that Garcia sliipped and fell, then couldn't get back out and couldn't yell within earshot of anyone hearing him.
1) The body managed to evade sonar and radar but then suddenly turn up in plain view weeks after the searches.

Stranger things have happened. In Fall River, a body managed to remain under water for three days in a public pool last summer without anyone noticing.

Obviously, the equipment should have made it much easier to find a body in the reservoir; but it's hardly foolproof. Divers are often times ineffective as well (i have no idea what visibility and depth are like over there). I think they just missed him. It's not too unusual.

I think it's more likely that the body sunk (as they tend to do) and a piece of his clothing became caught on something (rock, log, roots, debris, etc). While the decomposition process and the gasses produced will naturally bring a body to the surface after some time (as was the case in the Fall River pool). having even a little bit of fabric stuck to a log, root or rock (even an old tire) would act as an anchor and keep the body from floating to the surface for a while. After enough time, the fabric keeping him pinned or the object he was pinned to could break or give way allowing his body to float to the surface.

Furthermore, the water is very cold despite the unseasonable warmth this winter. The water temperature is likely in the ballpark of 40-45 degrees. The cold water temperature will greatly slow the decomp. process keeping the body submerged even longer even if it weren't caught on the bottom (the lady in Fall River surfaced after nearly 3 days in 85 degree water).

I was an oceanfront lifeguard in college and was part of the search and rescue team. While I never actually found a body (went on one search, nothing turned up... body was found 2 miles away the next day), we used to talk about these scenarios quite frequently. I'm not familiar with this case or the reservoir, but I'm not surprised that they missed the body during the search and I'm not surprised that it's only turning up now. I could be wrong, but it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.
I feel bad for the family. Condolences. There but for the grace of God goes many of us on a night out.
I doubt foul play, stuff like this just happens. It is stunning how such a massive search can turn up nothing, but it does happen.

Drowned bodies sink before they float.
I mean, I have not been following the story much, but I wonder maybe he was drunk, got hurt and drowned, but like you said, I doubt foul play. I would expect more leads if there was foul play.

I feel really bad for the family too.
How well lit (if at all) is the path around the reservoir at night? Would it be easy to just trip and fall in?
The latest report so far is leaning toward an accident. Hopefully the autopsy report will be done soon.
