I could have just put this in "Biking in Boston", but I think it deserves its own thread. Some updates:
So the Mattapan extension is happening and will be finished in 18-24 months; the gaps by Freeport/Victory Rd remain a work in progress (I imagine for a long time).
From Bostonbikes.org
So the Mattapan extension is happening and will be finished in 18-24 months; the gaps by Freeport/Victory Rd remain a work in progress (I imagine for a long time).
From Bostonbikes.org
Segment 2 (Central Ave to Mattapan Sq)
**PUBLIC MEETING ON MONDAY 4/13** 7-8:30PM. Foley Senior Residences Dining Room 249 River St. Mattapan
DCR will present plans for construction. The public meeting presentation and other related materials will be viewable after the meeting on the DCR’s website at http://www.mass.gov/eea/agencies/dcr/public-outreach/public-meetings
- Construction to begin this month (Ryan Playground – Mattapan), S & R Corp. has trailers on site. Project completion 18-24 mos.
- Lee Toma of Milton Bikes reported that the design is now complete for a new Mattapan Sq. Crossing on Rt. 28/ Blue Hill Ave. (Detailed plans can be found on the DPW Town of Milton Engineering page)
- Port Norfolk Park construction to begin after site visits this month
Segment 3 (Victory Rd. to Morrissey Blvd. – Nat’l Grid/ rainbow gas tank)
- Construction access agreement has been reached. DCR is going to survey the site with design complete by 6/30.
Segment 4 (Tenean Beach to Victory Rd)
- Land is not DCR property, belongs to MassDOT. Due to MassDOT employee transitions DCR has yet to find the proper contact and will need to “reopen discussions”.
- Currently there are no funds for the design on this part of the trail.
7) April 25th is Mass. Parks Serve Day – there are beach clean ups happening in Savin Hill and Quincy River Walk. More info at Neponset.org or DCR website.
8) The Trustees of Reservation are currently seeking seasonal (Youth Crew Leaders) and year-round employees. See ttor.org for more info.
Happy Spring!