Yesterday's report (which wasn't delivered as a presentation):
I've been holding back on the electronic signage pile-on, but I can't anymore. This is a disgrace, and it it needs to be addressed in the four months they still have before they begin revenue service.
The photo in the PPT shows "MA Avenue". Never in my life have I see Massachusetts Avenue referred to that way in print (and obviously not verbally). The abbreviation - the only acceptable abbreviation if you're making wayfinding signs - is "Mass Ave", and given the width available on the sign you should be able to shrink the font a point and fit the whole station name in there.
I did a double-take when I saw that, and I know that MA is postal code for Massachusetts and that there is a street and an OL station called Massachusetts Avenue. If you're a non-English-speaking tourist and you don't know those things, you'll see the station go by and keep waiting for the mythical "MA Avenue".
I assume the issue here is that this was programmed in China by people without local knowledge (not impugning the ability of Chinese engineers to design good things, only their ability to use local jargon when doing it). Fortunately, it's essentially free to fix it, and while you're at it, the graphic design of that signage is absolutely awful. I know that it's not a safety or regulatory issue, but wayfinding is mission critical and the attractiveness of your graphics is a big part of your brand.