New York Picture-A-Day Thread


Staff member
May 25, 2006
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Since there are a number of people here who either are from New York or live in New York, I thought it appropriate for there to be a picture thread for the city. I'll start things off with this:

Thanks Van!

Are you ever coming back to Boston or are you a full-bred New Yorker now?
I'll never say never but for the current period of my life I am a New Yorker. I'll come back to Boston but it will always be the place I'm from (well, I was born in Upstate NY but Boston is where I grew up). I left Boston because there wasn't anything there for me and now I am putting down roots here.

I would also like to say that this is a big problem Boston is having, holding on to people. I know many many people I went to high school with who moved down here, and have met many ex-Bostonians here as well.

This is my favorite.

I took this with a digital camera, no special effects.
11/25/07, looking north up 10th Ave:

Great pictures! New York is such an amazing city, everytime I visit, my jaw just drops. The urbanicity of it, and sooo many skyscrapers, I just love that. That is the type of thing I wish Boston would have, a downtown with more skyscrapers 500+ feet because since the rest of the city refuses to be high rise, I would love to have more of the skyscraper downtown (although we already have a lot in downtown, I am just saying with some of the architecture that New York has...aka less boxy).

I'll never say never but for the current period of my life I am a New Yorker. I'll come back to Boston but it will always be the place I'm from (well, I was born in Upstate NY but Boston is where I grew up). I left Boston because there wasn't anything there for me and now I am putting down roots here.

I would also like to say that this is a big problem Boston is having, holding on to people. I know many many people I went to high school with who moved down here, and have met many ex-Bostonians here as well.

^Ya, that does scare me. I am afraid if we don't do something soon, Boston will become a ghost town, and deteriorate.
I'll never say never but for the current period of my life I am a New Yorker. I'll come back to Boston but it will always be the place I'm from (well, I was born in Upstate NY but Boston is where I grew up). I left Boston because there wasn't anything there for me and now I am putting down roots here.

I would also like to say that this is a big problem Boston is having, holding on to people. I know many many people I went to high school with who moved down here, and have met many ex-Bostonians here as well.

there are also tons of people from all over moving to Boston.

people like to move a step ahead, and for boston that means new york, for portland that means boston, and for smaller towns in say maine that means portland.
people like to move a step ahead, and for boston that means new york, for portland that means boston, and for smaller towns in say maine that means portland.

I don't want to derail the thread but I think are hit the nail on the head here. I remember when I moved to Boston I had this feeling, like I was moving up.
there are also tons of people from all over moving to Boston.

people like to move a step ahead, and for boston that means new york, for portland that means boston, and for smaller towns in say maine that means portland.

This is something Ive noticed as well. Many young people who may have never lived in a city before and now are just getting out of college or entering the workplace view Boston merely as training wheels for NY -- sort of a primer on urban living.

I think this is a serious problem for Boston, especially today where the competition for talent and business among cities is so fierce, and increasingly international.

I dont know what the solution for this may be, but Boston's aversion to growth and extreme provincialism are looking more and more like death sentences to me.
I disagree. Boston's Parochial attitude is what draws people to it.
I find it hard to believe parochialism is actually a draw. You can be parochial anywhere.

I know people who've moved in the other direction, from New York to Boston, but they're almost universally in very high paying fields and are filling niches that international banks and consulting firms with offices here can't fill locally. They also tend to have rather conservative attitudes/approaches to life and enjoy the fact that central Boston can, in the words of someone I know who found this a positive attribute, "look like the J. Crew catalog".
I find it hard to believe parochialism is actually a draw. You can be parochial anywhere.

I know people who've moved in the other direction, from New York to Boston, but they're almost universally in very high paying fields and are filling niches that international banks and consulting firms with offices here can't fill locally. They also tend to have rather conservative attitudes/approaches to life and enjoy the fact that central Boston can, in the words of someone I know who found this a positive attribute, "look like the J. Crew catalog".

conservative and parochial are synonyms.
Oh, I don't think so. The desire to preserve tradition, or embody it, can be exclusive from obsessive passion for one's provincial hometown.
Boston is a very proud town, and that attracts people.

also, in literary terms, the two are synonymous.
Proud is to Boston what elitism is to everywhere else. Many people I talk to who have only visited Boston feel this and now that I have lived elsewhere for a while, whenever I go back I really get this sense.

Sigh, this thread has been derailed, perhaps we need a Boston vs. NY thread where we can all get out our stereotypes.
Many young people who may have never lived in a city before and now are just getting out of college or entering the workplace view Boston merely as training wheels for NY -- sort of a primer on urban living.

That's how I feel. Honestly, I don't know why I'm still here.

Is that parochial or what?

... Or maybe it's conservative?

