I posted a while ago in the ?Dream Project? that Rt. 1 should be tunneled from Chelsea or even Revere through Charlestown. As stated above, more than half of the bridge is over land, and removing it would do wonders for Charlestown and be an absolute god send to Chelsea.
Incorporating a rapid transit system would be a must. The line would run from the north shore through Chelsea, under the Mystic to Charlestown (w/a stop on Chelsea St. near the constitution) on to North Station. From there you could send it through downtown (with a stop in Post Office Sq.) and on to service the areas that were better serviced by the El. You could also send it down along Storrow Drive from North Station when that road is submerged. An Esplanade stop on the T would be great.
The submerged Rt. 1, would also connect directly w/93 north as it used to. A bike path could be incorporated in the tunnel, on the center span of the bridge which would be kept and rehabbed, or both. It would be a great tourist attraction (especially on the 4th) and you would run elevators similar to the Eiffel Tower or a gondola like lift so that people could use the deck as a place to take pictures/view the city, and cross between Chelsea and Charlestown.
Imagine riding your bike from Chelsea and coming up in Charlestown under the Zakim. If we could submerge the commuter rail lines into North Station, even eliminate one of the lines by creating the north shore RTL, you could get rid of the tracks that go by the Spaulding and the bridge those tracks currently use could be used by pedestrians and bike riders from Cambridge, Somerville, Chelsea, and Charlestown taking you directly into or by North Station.
These are the thoughts that go through your head when you live in Chelsea.