North Station Gateway | 251 Causeway St | Bulfinch Triangle

Its a nice proposal but I find it annoying that it calls for the demolition of an already nicely built out block.
I agree. I'd much prefer if only a small section of the site was demolished where the tower portion would be.
Its a nice proposal but I find it annoying that it calls for the demolition of an already nicely built out block.
Agree. Especially since there's a giant parking garage right across the street that is begging to be moved underground and redeveloped. This thing is on a huge piece of land and I have no idea why it's still standing.
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It's still standing because it's in the North End, it's used by tourists and residents alike, the owner probably doesn't need to sell, and developing ANYTHING in the North End is a nightmare. There is a 0.0% chance that anything meaningful gets placed here. There would be a revolution if someone tried to put a high rise here.
That's a shame because it looks like absolute shit, and parking can go underground, like it did with a similar garage for the Alcott. To ascribe any sort of historical significance to this thing is a mistake.
If the developer came with a building north Enders went “oh that’s beautiful” I bet it would be a much easier path. This non descript bore isn’t getting far
Well, a reasoned discussion on what is place-breaking encroachment on the North End? ought to ensue. This really is one block from north station, which has been a major transit hub for at least 150 years as well, and not in the historic part of the North End you refer to. I think most of us know this is not place-breaking encroachment.

I agree with Equilibria - - this really does hulk over the North End.

BP, I get when you say "This really is one block from north station" - - the problem is that it is one block in the wrong direction.

I love tall buildings as much as almost anyone, but this should be built in Rappaport City in the West End Village area - - not gloaming over the North End.

In the right places, give me 40-50 more skyscraper residential towers in Boston. Plus, Chiofaro's tower at the Aquarium garage.
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My first architecture job back in 1987, was located in the building highlighted in red: Steffian Bradley Architects

That building is nothing special, and I wouldn't mourn the loss, but the nice brick building to the right shouldn't be demolished. I really wish they could at least incorporate the facade of the older brick building. I'm not wild about this current proposal, but I do like the curved low-rise portion that would replace my old architecture firm. :)

I agree with Equilibria - - this really does hulk over the North End.

BP, I get when you say "This really is one block from north station" - - the problem is that it is one block in the wrong direction.

I love tall buildings as much as almost anyone, but this should be built in Rappaport City in the West End Village area - - not gloaming over the North End.

In the right places, give me 40-50 more skyscraper residential towers in Boston. Plus, Chiofaro's tower at the Aquarium garage.
I hear ya, shmess; I just personally feel pretty closely acclimated with this area and just don't view this site as "North End" or even really intruding on it. To me, North Washington street forms a pretty distinct neighborhood transition, and this site's on the other side of that.


Google Maps

If this were on the opposite side of North Washington, I'd completely agree with you.
Also, for this reason, it's why I don't agree that the low rise parking garage site, discussed up thread, is a better location -- that, to me, is mentally in the North End and a whole world's worth of difference. (That's not to say one shouldn't do a lot better in the parking garage site for something else.)
^Addendum: A large part of why I feel, spatially/cognitively, like this is spaced away from the North End is that horrific intersection at N. Washington / Causeway is like the freaking grand canyon. I can count years of my life as a pedestrian/cyclist where I've been stuck at that thing - and the North End feels far away across a vast gulf when you're standing at Causeway/N. Washington on the Bullfinch Triangle side.
^Addendum: A large part of why I feel, spatially/cognitively, like this is spaced away from the North End is that horrific intersection at N. Washington / Causeway is like the freaking grand canyon. I can count years of my life as a pedestrian/cyclist where I've been stuck at that thing - and the North End feels far away across a vast gulf when you're standing at Causeway/N. Washington on the Bullfinch Triangle side.

Fair enough. I still think this will get dramatically cut in height for the reasons above, and believe it SHOULD for those reasons, but I appreciate your points too. I still feel the blocks on the other side of North Station should see MULTIPLE resi towers.
Yea I agree with the general sentiment that knocking down this nice existing building for a tower is kind of unnecessary, especially when theres still a few empty lots scattered around like this one:


Its directly next door to a 600’ tower so would be much easier to push through the planning process as well.
