Notice: Unauthorized Use of Toby Photos


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2007
Reaction score
A. I don't mind reuse of any of my photos for non-commercial purposes. Look at 'em, print them on soft paper, smoke them, or just wipe your.....nose with them. Have a ball.

B. I hereby authorize the commercial electronic display (but not commercial physical reproduction or sale) of any of the Tobyjug photographs displayed on this site, but only if 1) each such photo is accompanied with the following notice to be displayed legibly immediately below each such photograph used: "Toby Photo:", and further provided that 2) the commercial user does not itself charge for the use or viewing of the photo.

C. My reasoning is this. I take photos for my personal amusement, but with the hope that you might be amused too. I believe that any commercial user should give credit, not just to the "artist", but to this website. Perhaps the list of contributors will grow by spreading the archboston brand name. It is a great board, and who knows, you serious minded young whipper snappers might reshape things to the good. More members mean you will have more clout to kick some sedentary ass.

D. I don't risk arrest, falling off skyscrapers or through floors to help people sell real estate, widgets, legal services or lacy underwear. I'm not opposed to seeing others profit from my stupidity, but if you want to call the tune, you gotta pay the piper. The price of payment is set out in paragraph B above.

Sorry to have to put this out there, and I'm not mad at anyone. Just out of decent refreshment. And that always pisses me off this time of day.
P.S. Just in case anyone wonders, Jimbo long ago asked for permission, which permission was cheerfully granted. I have my eye on a non-contributing poacher!

Clarification: by non-contributing poacher I mean a person in commerce who is not a board member and doesn't acknowledge the existence of this site while exploiting its resources. That rules out every member! I am thinking of pulling a picture and putting something very naughty in its place! Hmmm....maybe not. Still, fun to think about!
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Sorry if I posted some of your photos on skyscrapercity, I post the latest construction photos and usually don't credit them, so sorry if some were yours.
Hell no, Barb.

Go for it. Free exchange of ideas, all that sort of thing. Here, I'll go all Ned on you:

1. Paragraph A says if you aren't a commercial user, no attribution needed.

2. Paragraph B says if you are using them commercially, credit "Toby" and you can't charge for them.

I'm not trying to "chill" the flow of info, just prevent potential abuse by outside moochers who plunder our work, and contribute nothing to us on this board. You are far from that my friend. A heavy hitter!

I love you all. You are my imaginary electronic friends. Even Ned. Ned? Ned, where are you?

Thanks for establishing a policy.

A side note: I've noticed that some railfans can get really uppity when you display their work for non-commercial use, with full credit given to them and on your own hosting after they've put them out for public consumption. Hell, I've seen them get pissed for links to their images.
I'm flattered that anyone would want to use my photos. (But I worry about REAL talent like GMACK who would be worth ripping off.)

My thought is: "Take from the Board, but give back too!"

Maybe with a board wide attribution requirement, we can build our brand on other sites when our stuff gets used there. But I'll leave that to greater minds than mine!
We could have a board-wide photobucket account where all photos have a archBoston logo on the bottom. Pie in the sky, yes, but just throwing ideas out there.
