NYC Architecture and Development

Curious if you could qualify what constitutes a nice thing here...

There are some good projects going up in NY and elsewhere that force some jealousy out of me, but NYC can have this one...
And just about all of them really. Ask a majority of New Yorkers what they think about all the supertalls that have gone up since 2012. Don’t get me wrong, I am a NY lover, but most of the “bold” designs in recent years scream resulting feelings of jade.

New York is becoming the eccentric old uncle at holiday parties.
If anyone wants to support expanding rail projects in Queens:

The QueensLink project is eligible to be awarded a $400k grant from US DOT to study reactivating the Rockaway Beach Branch and sending the the M train through southeast Queens. The project needs to raise $100k in matching funds to unlock the DOT funds. There’s a GoFundMe set up if you’d like to support!

I admittedly think the project is an uphill battle: A competing proposal to build a linear park along the ROW, The QueensWay, has received $150M in funding and has Mayor Adams’ backing. However, there are NYC pols still fighting for QueensLink.

(No affiliation with the QueensLink project other than I've donated money to this effort and am a Brooklynite who would like to see better rail coverage in Queens.)

