Parcel Q1 | 2 Drydock Ave. | Seaport


Did they actually change out the spandrels? I know perspective and lighting can have a large effect on how appear, but on the more recent image the glass seems to match perfectly. The earlier images make it look like these may be colored panels rather than just clear glass against a light backing. Seems unlikely so I'm probably just seeing things.
Uh, anybody wanna take a guess at what they were attempting to do here? That facade is a mess.
Looks like it was assaulted by a particularly vindictive or stupid flock of birds. This design is not successful.
I completely forgot about this one. It is looking good, and it should have some visibility from the harbor as boats and ships pass by.
This looks a little better than in earlier photos. Those blank windows are still weird though, looks like something that belongs in Cambridge.
