Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) in Dorchester?

City can't do anything about major infrastructure projects, that's a state issue. However, an economically powerful city can bitch, moan, and lobby the state government to make improvements. Hence, infrastructure is not an important issue when voting for a mayor in Boston.
If they truly wanted to create jobs then they would be talking about infrastructure. We could cut unemployment in the entire country down to 5% if we launched a massive infrastructure overhaul.

Maybe or maybe not. Why did that fat governor in NJ cancel that PATH expansion project? He claimed it was too expensive and would add too much debt.
City can't do anything about major infrastructure projects, that's a state issue. However, an economically powerful city can bitch, moan, and lobby the state government to make improvements. Hence, infrastructure is not an important issue when voting for a mayor in Boston.

BTW...Somerville just called from its cell at a GLX station design meeting. :rolleyes:

City Hall Boston does NOT do disciplined transit advocacy like this. No way in hell. And it does not bust a cap in the BRA's ass for undercutting such efforts like STEP does whenever Capuano or Joe Pesaturo or whoever puts foot in mouth.
^wonderful! Too bad it's the state government that's handling the GLX project, not Somerville.

I fail to see your point.

STEP complains to Somerville Mayor --> Somerville Mayor complains to state --> State postpones building it for several more years.

If you want something done, then vote for a governor who believes that public transportation is what's best for our state (fuck using "commonwealth")
^ Wow thanks. I never knew before that public advocacy was useless bullshit...

Without the advocacy of STEP and the city Somerville, the state probably would had managed to weasel out of GLX the same way they did restoring E to Arborway, and (so far) Red/Blue.
^Except half the people in JP didn't think restoring the trolley to Forest Hills was a good idea since it would make the traffic worse. This is a major reason why it failed. East Somerville's GLX is an entirely different beast since they don't have convenient rail in that area. JP, on the other hand, has the O line and it is efficient enough.
Personal Rapid Transit?

Install another Hubway station on Columbia Point, problem solved.
^wonderful! Too bad it's the state government that's handling the GLX project, not Somerville.

I fail to see your point.

STEP complains to Somerville Mayor --> Somerville Mayor complains to state --> State postpones building it for several more years.

If you want something done, then vote for a governor who believes that public transportation is what's best for our state (fuck using "commonwealth")
Wont happen. Western Massachusetts residents don't want anymore tax dollars of the state sunk into Eastern Massachusetts infrastructure... If you want to be Governor, Senator or whomever you can't have an Eastern Massachusetts only model. You must spread the wealth or Western Mass. residents will not support you. People who want to remain in office must take that tone in this state.


2012-2013 Industrial Rail Access Program (IRAP) Recipients Announced

Failure to address transportation infrastructure will cost billions, thousands of jobs statewide
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Wont happen. Western Massachusetts residents don't want anymore tax dollars of the state sunk into Eastern Massachusetts infrastructure... If you want to be Governor, Senator or whomever you can't have an Eastern Massachusetts only model. You must spread the wealth or Western Mass. residents will not support you. People who want to remain in office must take that tone in this state.

Such is the stupidity of politics. Non-Metro Boston MA GETS more money from the eastern part of the state than they give, but don't pay to upgrade the infrastructure of the most important metroRegion in New England! If Eastern MA was just more like the Berkshires it wouldn't have all these problems!
Beyond any conversation about practicality, this wouldn't work for any of these reasons:

* Not ADA-compliant (at least as shown above);
* Who wants people staring in the windows of your apt all day and all night;
* Safety - "Woman forced into pod, raped."
This whole concept seems like a (very expensive and logistically challenging) solution in need of a problem.
