Photo and Camera thread

Patrick said:
another question is how do i take shots like this one? i took it but i dont know how to make my camera focus in tight on the subject and blur the background....its like in this pic it did it on its own...

Reminds me of some of my wide-open aperture shots from Plymouth Mass. I love close focus with far away subjects!


alright, I'm off to bed and I'll be back on Monday. You guys learn photography without me!
hahaha i will try! i still need to figure out why my aperture priority setting only works in certain lighting....? works indoors and takes "immediate" (not delayed exposure) shots outside....
even with your aperture almost shut (small circle, big F/ number), if you're outside and theres a lot of light, the shutter still doesn't need to be very long to get the adequate amount of light to take the picture. In low-light situations, the camera will gather as much light as it needs to make a picture, which will increase the shutter speed.

You aperture IS working, au contraire mon frere :)

OK! *NOW* I'm leaving
Hey, if somebody buys me this kit I promise I'll go out and take tons of photos downtown! Deal? :D
move to maine, so that "downtown" becomes "portland" and yes we will have a deal. in fact you can have my camera too, its raining today and will rain for the rest of eternity so i might as well not have bought it...
well, i got my blurry tail light shot, but i dont know how i did it. i tried the apertur priority setting at night and it just took a regular shot when cars were driving by....why is this? it only works inside for me to make the blurry ghost mouse hand...not on cars. also i cannot figure out why the lights are so bright abd bulging/blurry in this shot. suggestions?
oh yeah and my tripod sucks. it has no level and it still shakes when i hit the button for a pic, how do i go about getting a remote control? best buy?
Patrick said:
well, i got my blurry tail light shot, but i dont know how i did it. i tried the apertur priority setting at night and it just took a regular shot when cars were driving by....why is this? it only works inside for me to make the blurry ghost mouse hand...not on cars. also i cannot figure out why the lights are so bright abd bulging/blurry in this shot. suggestions?

Nice going! I love it when you get the shot in between traffic light changes, so the Red, Yellow AND green all show up. It's trippy.

It's bright because you were letting in a lot of light for too long. See that picture that I took of the three big buildings near the Christian Science Center that I took for 30 seconds with a wide open aperture. It was almost all whited out. If you want the picture to be not-as-bright, take the same shot with a more-closed aperture, or for less shutter time

You can change both shutter speed and aperture on fully manual mode.

I suggest setting up the tripod and taking 50 pictures with different combinations of shutter speeds and apertures to see how they all work. Luckily, when you take a picture, the camera saves all the data about the picture (aperture, zoom, shutter speed, time, etc, etc) in a subfile in the jpg image called "exif". You can usually see it in the image properties.
oh yeah and my tripod sucks. it has no level and it still shakes when i hit the button for a pic, how do i go about getting a remote control? best buy?

I got mine at Ritz Camera, I think they have to be compatible with your specifc camera, although there might be universal remotes. When in doubt, remember your camera's name or bring it in with you. Or search online before you go so you already know what you're looking for
