There’s quite a bit of open land around such an important station that has red line and commuter rail access and possibly even future green line access as well. Behind the mall is a massive parking lot, one block up from the intersection is a strip mall with a huge parking lot, there’s 2 empty lots directly across the street from the mall, and 2 buildings south from that on mass ave is a single story retail building. That’s a huge amount of under utilized space directly on an important transit hub.
I know it was discussed in other threads, but mass ave is another example of a main thoroughfare that has a surprising amount of single story retail buildings going up and down the street. They all have from 3 to even up to 8 story buildings on either side of hem, so these are the perfect places to add density that seamlessly blends into the existing fabric of the city. More importantly in the near term the best use of resources would be to try to densify porter in the places that are empty lots directly around the station, but after that they really need to try to incentivize those single story retail buildings to add like 5 stories of residential above them. They really could make a massive dent in the housing shortage while essentially keeping the look and feel of the city the same for ppl who are so worried about this by just adding a few floors of housing above each of these single story retail buildings.