Portland Foreside | 58 Fore Street | Portland

What are they starting on? Did they actually get site plan approvals for anything?
Not sure but they’re not fooling around . This is pic from other end across from Twelve Restaurant

Does anyone else feel like the info on CSS is often outdated or incomplete? You'd think there would at least be a permit for whatever they're doing, right?
Does anyone else feel like the info on CSS is often outdated or incomplete? You'd think there would at least be a permit for whatever they're doing, right?

I find that sometimes large developments like this end up with a permit under some address you didn't think about other than 58 Fore. Since so many parcels are involved or new streets or addresses might be filed. Happens to me in Worcester all the time. I'm looking at the wrong MLB or address for a permit
I find that sometimes large developments like this end up with a permit under some address you didn't think about other than 58 Fore. Since so many parcels are involved or new streets or addresses might be filed. Happens to me in Worcester all the time. I'm looking at the wrong MLB or address for a permit
Yeah, I searched that whole end of Thames and the range on Fore... unless they've created a new street?
Yeah, I searched that whole end of Thames and the range on Fore... unless they've created a new street?

It's possible. A big development here filed their permits under a st that wasn't even on the public city maps yet because it was being created for the development
To be fair, I see Rail Yard Plz, John Poor Xing, Boiler Psge, and Brass Aly called out on the parcel map. Wasn't aware of those until just now - can you tie a permit to an alley?
The Maine Narrow Guage Railroad has sent out a note that they'll be pausing operations for a few months due to whatever construction is happening on this site. I'm still not aware of any site plans having been approved, so I'm not sure what phase they're building. In any case it sounds like their communication with the railroad has been poor:

You guys haven’t been down on path ? The fence is bumped way out now . Path is moved to right and small . They’re simultaneously working on Foreside and the ocean side stuff
So they're finally fixing the shoreline wash out from the storm a year and a half ago?
Per the Press Herald article, the project entails shifting the tracks and the path closer to the shore. The railroad contractor doesn't want to relay the tracks until April, presumably after the thaw, hence the extended delay. Those of us who frequent railroad.net are undoubtedly aware that any construction involving a railroad is inevitably a giant PITA.

But, apparently the letter also says that anything left on the tracks, including the rail cars, will be considered abandoned property and disposed of. THAT certainly doesn't sound neighborly! I don't know if they can push them all down further towards East End Beach, or if they have a way to haul them out (and then store them where?)
So they're finally fixing the shoreline wash out from the storm a year and a half ago?
Nevermind, I was wrong, they haven't touched the wash out. They're preparing to do the excavation and install a permanent soil nail wall and other temporary/permanent support. I noticed over the weekend that the power lines that had been run on poles to the marina are now gone. I'm guessing they had to rip up the trail and tracks to relocate the power?

