Potential Soccer Stadium | Portland peninsula


Active Member
Mar 21, 2013
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Sorry to start the soccer talk - but quick answers for now. We are hopefully to announcement hopefully soon after New Year. Waiting on 3rd party engineering report. We have 2 confirming viability.
1. Not Fitzpatrick or Thompson's Point
2. Correct - not Wembley - Simpler
3. Less than 10k seating - 5-8k
4. Yes - proposed spot is peninsula (believe it or not!)
There appears to be enough activity concerning this opportunity to bring professional soccer to the city of Portland to warrant it's own thread.
Hopefully the seating capacity will be closer to 8000 seats to avoid the need for future expansion if the venture becomes successful as I'm hoping it will be. As far as location, I'm puzzled but would guess somewhere near the Deering Oaks park area near I 295? Parking and access are two factors that might eliminate the East or West ends of the peninsula. Maybe Catherine will give us a clue for entertainment value.
From the 200 Federal thread:
Sorry to start the soccer talk - but quick answers for now. We are hopefully to announcement hopefully soon after New Year. Waiting on 3rd party engineering report. We have 2 confirming viability.
1. Not Fitzpatrick or Thompson's Point
2. Correct - not Wembley - Simpler
3. Less than 10k seating - 5-8k
4. Yes - proposed spot is peninsula (believe it or not!)

I won't speculate at this time.
Sorry to start the soccer talk - but quick answers for now. We are hopefully to announcement hopefully soon after New Year. Waiting on 3rd party engineering report. We have 2 confirming viability.
1. Not Fitzpatrick or Thompson's Point
2. Correct - not Wembley - Simpler
3. Less than 10k seating - 5-8k
4. Yes - proposed spot is peninsula (believe it or not!)
I’m going to make two guesses:

1. East Bayside, somewhere between Anderson/Fox and Marginal Way — the breweries and grab-and-go food scene there could help support a small-to-midsize stadium and create a walkable sports-entertainment district, similar to Fenway.

2: Westfield Street, between Congress and the Fore River Parkway — there’s some open space there along with some one-story “lowest use” commercial buildings there, but it’s another good-sized location in the peninsula that’s not living up to its potential yet.
My gut feeling is the current soccer field by the breweries and portland housing, which Portland housing wants to redevelop the housing in that area which could be a win win situation. Refern would team up with Portland Housing to develop the soccer field with new housing. This would replace the old housing that is outdated along franklin. This would be a great incentive for the immigrant community with the soccer program. The lot near the intersection near Whole foods is for sale which could be developed into housing/parking model like Westbrook.
No there’s no way it’s at Kennedy park. They wouldn’t disrupt that housing. Is any of the federated land big enough even if streets were taken out? And there would be outrage over no housing instead. I could also see this being stands on one side and ends to save space. I just can’t picture any spot on peninsula besides bayside.
Eh, maybe you’re right about Kennedy park. You’d be displacing families during construction though
Sorry to start the soccer talk - but quick answers for now. We are hopefully to announcement hopefully soon after New Year. Waiting on 3rd party engineering report. We have 2 confirming viability.
1. Not Fitzpatrick or Thompson's Point
2. Correct - not Wembley - Simpler
3. Less than 10k seating - 5-8k
4. Yes - proposed spot is peninsula (believe it or not!)
Love the idea of bringing pro soccer to Maine! Any chance the stadium could be mixed use? I’ve seen breweries, medical offices, and restaurants successfully incorporated into sporting venues and it prevents the area from becoming a dead zone when there isn’t a game.
Love the idea of bringing pro soccer to Maine! Any chance the stadium could be mixed use? I’ve seen breweries, medical offices, and restaurants successfully incorporated into sporting venues and it prevents the area from becoming a dead zone when there isn’t a game.

I wouldn't be opposed to having UMaine play some games there. I just hope they make it so at some point the capacity can be increased. Hoping the capacity is closer to 8k. Yes mixed use would be ideal. Sounds like a great potentially venue for state tournament games too.
My original thought was perhaps the UNE Bishop Street property, but being on the peninsula, my guesses would be Back Cove Park or the field in Kennedy Park, as others noted above.
It better not be the Top of the Old Port parking lot, or a whole lot of us on this forum will suddenly go NIMBY on y’all. :LOL:
The old people at franklin tower would lose it with giant lighting unless just doing day gamed
I’m calling my shot. Wildcard pick. The big dirt lot next to the bayside trail across from fleet feet and behind coffee by design. And again I bet they’ll build a 3 side venue
OK, if we're going to do this... :) My thought is the western portion of Back Cove Park, essentially over the new tanks that are being installed. I was reluctant to say that because I'm dreading a land bank hornet's nest unless "new stadium" qualifies as "athletic contests" in the eyes of the Land Bank Commission.

Fox St. field just got some investment (and, I guess, a rebuild) so I doubt that would be a high-ranking possibility.
Given that Redfern deleted the optimistic assessment from late December, I'd guess nothing big is in the offing.
Quick update on this one: As you can imagine we got thrown a curve ball but I think we hit it out of the park - so to speak. Instead of 1 option for a stadium location we now have 2 for the City to consider. Both have their pluses and minuses obviously but both could be absolutely amazing. Our next steps are to present to one of the Council Committees - probably Economic - waiting on which one and when we can get on their agenda. Will keep you posted. ~ C
