Preserving and Care for Places that Matter in East Boston

Beton Brut

Senior Member
May 25, 2006
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Learn how you can help to protect the places that matter to you in East Boston!

All East Boston residents and community members are invited to attend a culminating Neighborhood Preservation Workshop, presented by the Boston Preservation Alliance and Historic Boston Incorporated with support from the National Trust for Historic Preservation and East Boston Main Streets.

WHEN: Wednesday, December 8th, 2010, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

WHERE: Social Center, 68 Central Square, 3rd Floor

View a Draft Summary of historic preservation successes, existing concerns and challenges

Contribute your concerns and priorities to a Final Report that will be used as a blueprint for future education, advocacy and real estate development in your neighborhood

Relax and enjoy light refreshments with your neighbors ? Thanks to Meridian 155

Learn how you can help to protect the places that matter to you in East Boston!

Please RSVP to Erica Lindamood, Education Coordinator at the Boston Preservation Alliance, or 617-367-2458 x12, so that we can plan for the appropriate number of participants.

Please feel free to contact Erica with any other comments or questions.

More information at The Boston Preservation Alliance.
This was a good event. Sarah Kelly was there, and we had a chance to discuss the failings of the Liberty Mutual project. Sounds like they tried to improve the proposal's urban presence, but didn't get very far at all.
